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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-17 08:26:00

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Stars: *already pulling up Duke’s blueprints*

Deckard: *explores his new body, /thanking/ Zero again*

Duke: *nods* Yes, of course. Please go get rest.

Zero: *smiles and nods and will head out.*

Stars: Come lie down, let me have a look at you. *waves Duke over.*

Duke: *does do*

Deckard: Can I help with anything?

Stars: *studies Deckard a moment...and nods. He'll put Deckard to work playing fetch for different parts and componants.*

Deckard: *happy to do so*

Stars: *isn't as gentle as Zero, but he's not rough either. He'll see what he needs to in Duke and will get his body built. Duke and Deckard won't have to stay the whole time. It'll be some hours before he's ready for Duke to come back to complete the last part of the process.*

*They'll stay for as long as they're useful – they figure they owe that much at least (and they'll make the same offer to Zero once he's working again) – but if they're shooed off, they won't argue.*

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2014-04-17 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Alem: ......Subzero is right. Whatever happened to make your AI chips "super AIs" gave you life. What is life if not a compilation of data and the /feeling/ of the emotions that go with thise memories?

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2014-04-17 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Duke: *shakes his head* By that definition, why is a tree considered alive? Plant life is accepted as being living, but plants don't build memories or feel emotions.

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