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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-21 08:11:00

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Officer1: Quiet, you. *snorts* You'll deserve the beating you get when he gets you home. *will offer Oil a remote...* We had a new one programmed to his collar. Don't let him take it this time...

Oil: Thank you, Officer. *takes it....and will send a wave of electricity through TC until the Seeker drops to his knees*

TC: *sobbing /snarls/ as he goes down*

Oil: *keeps it up for a bit, then turns the electricity off so the officer can haul TC to his feet.* I suggest you walk, Seeker. If I have to have you carried home, you will regret it.

TC: If you've done something to my master, you sadistic excuse of a glitch, I swear to Primus I will bury you in the Pit /myself/. *knows he's going to pay, and pay /dearly/, for anything and everything, so he's not even bothering to hold back*

Oil: */backhands/ him.* Speak again and I'll cut off your ability to speak. Now walk.

TC: *turns expertly with the blow…still winds up reeling a bit . . . /shuddering/ from both the lingering effects of the shock collar and the /horror/ of what he knows is coming, /glares/ at Oil before turning and striding down the hall, shoulders square and wings /high/*

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2014-04-21 08:37 pm UTC (link)
TC: *studies Jumps a moment . . . and nods, then /gratefully/ settles on the repair berth*

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