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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-23 08:12:00

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*Months will pass. It's been a really good time for TC. Zero still takes time to pamper him now and then, taking a day to do something special. Today, Zero had to go out, something he said TC couldn't join him for. It's getting late and still there's no sign of Zero.*

TC: *will wait till close to their normal bedtime, then will call the police station, just…asking if they happen to have heard anything of his master…and what is the status of the case against Oil*

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2014-04-23 06:28 pm UTC (link)
TC: *can't tell if he thinks Zero's being held captive or for protection, but he'll nod, figuring he'll determine for himself once he knows more whether he's calling Turbo or not* Just take me to him.

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2014-04-23 06:55 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *nods and will turn to lead TC away. TC...will quickly lose his way. Through buildings and alleyways, tunnels, and long buried areas of the city. If asked the mech will say it's safest tor Zero if TC can't betray where he is, even by accident. Finally he'll enter a dimly lit room TC will be pretty sure is underground. At least it's a large room? Zero is on a mat at the far side of the room....he doesn mt look like he's doing very well at all...*

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2014-04-23 07:01 pm UTC (link)
TC: */twitchy/ with being lost and almost certainly underground . . . but then he spots Zero* Master! *bolts to him, dropping to his knees by the mat*

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2014-04-23 07:10 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *has a /nasty/ wound in his chest, gun shot likely. It's...uncomfortably close to his spark chamber* *he doesn't reapond to TC.*
Mech: I've done what I can. He can't risk being seen by a medic with that injurry...toonmany people looking for him.

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2014-04-23 07:32 pm UTC (link)
TC: Why? Who would be looking for him? *with a /growl/, he shifts around, crouched defensively and so that he's shielding Zero as best he can, wings high* Who attacked him? What did you do!?

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2014-04-23 07:35 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *sits, looking exhausted and worried.* I got him out alive. I won't give you details, they're not mine to give, but I will say that if the police find him...you'll lose him, and any good things he's given you. I was his slave once too, I know what he's like to his "property."

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2014-04-23 07:49 pm UTC (link)
TC: …………………I see. *relaxes but…only marginally, not…/wholly/ sure he believes, but what choice does he have* What happens now?

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2014-04-23 07:51 pm UTC (link)
Mech: We donwhat we can to keep him alive until he's well enough to go home. ...There anyone that's going to notice you missing?

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2014-04-23 08:07 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……………… *looks away* Yes. I contacted the police. One of the captains was out looking with me. We split up to cover more ground.

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2014-04-23 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *sighs and rubs a hand down his face* .......You know any trustworthy medics? One that won't ask too many questions?

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2014-04-23 08:19 pm UTC (link)
TC: I don't know how many questions he'll ask, if any, but I know one that Master trusts.

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2014-04-23 08:25 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *nods* He needs a medic. You want to go get him and I'll stay with Zero, or do you want to stay here and I'll bring the medic?

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2014-04-23 08:30 pm UTC (link)
TC: *torn* ……………………how would I find my way back here?

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2014-04-23 08:34 pm UTC (link)
Mech: ......I'll show you a quick way in an out. It's clear you care for him.

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2014-04-23 08:36 pm UTC (link)
TC: *nods* He's the first master since I was arrested and convicted – /wrongly/ – who has treated me like a person again.

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2014-04-23 08:39 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *small smile* he's good like that. So are you fetching the medic or am I? *giving TC the choice in this.*

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2014-04-23 08:44 pm UTC (link)
TC: ………………… *looks down at Zero - doesn't want to leave, doesn't want to risk losing him . . . quietly* I'll go. The medic's met me before. *reluctantly pushes back to his feet*

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2014-04-23 08:48 pm UTC (link)
Mech: *nods, pushing to his feet...and offers his hand* Name's Ironshade.

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2014-04-23 08:49 pm UTC (link)
TC: *takes it* Thundercracker, sir.

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2014-04-23 08:52 pm UTC (link)
Iron: No sir. I'll show you out...tell that officer whatever you need to to get him to not...worry about you. Or Zero. Say you found him, say he's fine and will call the officer when he gets a chance. Whatever you have to say.

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