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Samantha Cadwallader

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[15 May 2014|07:44pm]
It was a brilliant run in Norway, but the funding has run out despite the amazing archaeological finds that have been made. It's unheard of for a non-Egyptian excursion to last a year, let alone almost two. I've made amazing discoveries and connections in the process and lost some because of, but I've loved every moment of it.

Ethan, thank you again for everything you did to attempt an assistance in funding. They'll be cherished memories.

In two weeks, I will be back in England, where I hope to take a glorious amount of time off to do absolutely nothing before jumping back into the Gringotts offices in Diagon Alley in search of the next adventure.
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[16 Dec 2013|08:15pm]
1984 has been exhausting, as a whole, from start to finish. I'm more than ready for January and 1985 to make its way along.

[Cursebreakers] [Ethan]

God damn it, they're trying to close down the Norway project.
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[11 Feb 2013|05:19pm]
I went to visit Scott and Victoria, spending time with friends and--ahhh, I'm sitting at my desk and I cannot stop sneezing and the goblins all look purple! I don't think goblins should be purple, eh? I've never seen them as purple and--everything keeps spinning.

Are things supposed to spin? I'm not sure about this. It feels like the world isn't going to stop and then I'll either lose grip or--I can't stop holding on to my desk, this is so uncomfortable.
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[05 Jan 2013|04:11pm]
Turkey. The everything ruins aren't as exciting as I thought they'd be.

spell-o taped in )

But there's not much else to enjoy here. So.

Seems I've got an ample amount of time on my hands.
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[14 Nov 2012|07:21pm]
I've got one more day of paperwork fucking tomb, and then I am catching the first portkey to England. And never going to Egypt ever again. I'm not sure I've ever been more excited to be heading back. There's so much coming up!

I just hope that when it's time for me to head to Scandinavia, things go a little bit more smoothly. And I don't have co-workers around me that have a knack for getting me into troublesome situations. My thoughts on the country versus other areas is just more solidified after this past excursion.
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[17 Sep 2012|09:42pm]
[Private to Close Cursebreaking Friends]


I'm not saying you should hold your breath, but I would probably have your bags packed within the next two months. Gonna hit the mother load here, we're talking potential undiscovered tombs. I'm so excited for a climate change!


I feel like there's much too much going on in the Tattler. And at first, when I scan over it, I sit there and think that celebrities must have these crazy, insane lives that I can't even fathom. But then I realize that that's not really accurate. If that makes sense. I mean, yes, there are going to be people with really busy and press-filled lives who go out and do these things almost for the sake of all the attention they get, but the majority of people I know who are in the more publicly followed fields of work just--aren't. And maybe I know the right people, but it makes me wonder how much of what the Tattler says is based in truth and how much of it is just hot air, eh?

And, for the record, no. They don't publish the Tattler in Canada.
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[02 Sep 2012|11:55am]
So, I've just realized that I have been here for roughly 2/3 of the year. Which meant needing a small, personal celebration of sorts for finally being comfortable with flooing and knowing my way around and not being a general bother to those around me. So, caramel apple cupcakes. Sounds completely crazy, but they're actually quite good. Then again, the baker at the new shop I've found is full of creativity so maybe that's a big part of it.

Let's see...Norway is going well, just had a three day trip to pop in and check how the on site manager is doing with things and the reports are stellar. Should be due to head back there for a week at the end of the month. I've heard discussions of Egypt at work, so I have a feeling that's the next destination on the list. Not sure what all is to be had there, given how extensively we've worked the place, but who knows.

I'm also happy to report that Grundhook no longer glares at me during the day and we've found a mutual enjoyment of discussing turn of the century events and comparing our points of view on history and how different societies and species learn such things.
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[30 Jun 2012|10:15pm]
So, I meant to share this sooner and things have just gotten away from me. I officially got the position in Norway on the 14th and have been trying to settle in with my temporary housing that I'll have while up there. I got to spend the Summer Solstice up there as well, and it was SO beautiful.

spell-o taped in )

I took that photo at Midnight on the dot in Hammerfest! Pretty nifty, eh? Being up there for the Solstice in and of itself was fantastic, as far as experiencing the ruins, but getting to see something as gorgeous as that was just icing on the cake.

I feel like we've both been going at full speed the past month. Everything okay in Appleby?
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[28 May 2012|04:50pm]
Originally marked to Victoria, changed to Private after some thought/time )

I've heard that running as a hobby is therapeutic for the soul. May be something to look into in the near future.
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[24 May 2012|04:55pm]
I may be getting pushed to assignment in Norway for the summer, depending on how far along the projects in Thailand get by mid-June. I can't decide if this is exciting news or sad news. I've loved my time in Thailand and I've really grown to love the atmosphere and the ruins there, but I love exploring new places. And I've heard that the summers in Scandinavia are phenomenal...not to mention that I would be part of the management team for the Norwegian projects.

Of course, move or not, I have a feeling my summer is going to be much more busy than I originally anticipated. Which I don't think will be a terribly bad thing. Busy in good ways and for fantastic reasons.
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[25 Apr 2012|08:42pm]
Blueberries and red velvet. It was a very good day, until I got asked for an emergency, last minute trip back to Thailand. But the morning was fantastic.

Thomas )
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[16 Apr 2012|08:48pm]
I think the post-trip buzz has finally worn off. Or it could be the fact that I got bumped into while I had a coffee in my hands and it spilled all down my front and it was hot and not comfortable. And resulted in a quick trip to the apothecary for some burn salve after a quick charm to dry off my clothing.

And Grundhook did nothing but glare at me the rest of the day because he's a crotchety asshole of a goblin he doesn't get it. I'm not sure much more could happen to make this day even worse, but I guess it's never a good thing to say something like that, eh?

An additional note to self: iced coffee is probably a better option from now on.
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[25 Mar 2012|09:47pm]

I'm due for Thailand again this weekend. If you don't have anything going on, you're always welcome to come along. It's a bit of a trip--should be there for a week or so, but I've usually got a decent amount of time off in the evenings to explore the town.

If you want to, I mean. You wouldn't even have to stay the whole time.


I'm certain that my moving to England was a fantastic change of events. Thank you again, Victoria, for helping me get acquainted with your teammates.
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[26 Feb 2012|01:59pm]
I meant to put a note up in here, but because I've been so busy I haven't had a chance! They asked me on Friday to head out to Thailand for work. So between excavations and the time difference, I've been keeping busy. But I have a photo for you, and the promise of gifts and other goodies upon my return!

photo spellotaped in )

Pretty gorgeous, eh?
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[10 Feb 2012|10:40pm]
I had a very vivid dream last night, which involved me being chosen as the lead character for a fairy tale themed play. Unfortunately, no one thought about informing me of this until the day of the opening performance, but they thought I could handle all 128 lines with no problem and no time to memorize. I had the music down, believe it or not, but when the curtain came up I was totally clueless. Someone had to push me on stage and I had to have lines fed to me, and I had to use the cheat sheet script stuck in the pocket of my precariously put together costume.

It wasn't even real, and I thought I would die from the embarrassment. I can't even tell you if I had a decent voice, though, because the alarm rung before I had the chance to sing.

There were also cupcakes but I won't
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[15 Jan 2012|11:20am]
Last. Box. Unpacked. I feel like this weight has just lifted off my shoulders! I'll be able to focus at work and get things done around the apartment without tripping over all my things. And this means that I finally have time to write in this silly thing. Thank you, Victoria for acquiring one for me. You know how behind the times I can be and all.

Okay, so I'm seeing all these entries from other people and--I don't even know who they are! But that means someone else is probably reading this and wondering who I am. So I guess that means I have to say something, right? I am Samantha Cadwallader, freshly imported from Canada! I am a curse breaker and awesome big sister to Victoria and Scott Cadwallader. I think I see some familiar names--I know I've heard lots about all of Victoria's co-workers, it will be nice to actually see a game for once.
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[21 Dec 2011|08:20pm]
Samantha Cadwallader )
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