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Samantha Cadwallader ([info]eagerbeaver) wrote,
@ 2012-05-24 16:55:00

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I may be getting pushed to assignment in Norway for the summer, depending on how far along the projects in Thailand get by mid-June. I can't decide if this is exciting news or sad news. I've loved my time in Thailand and I've really grown to love the atmosphere and the ruins there, but I love exploring new places. And I've heard that the summers in Scandinavia are phenomenal...not to mention that I would be part of the management team for the Norwegian projects.

Of course, move or not, I have a feeling my summer is going to be much more busy than I originally anticipated. Which I don't think will be a terribly bad thing. Busy in good ways and for fantastic reasons.

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2012-05-25 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Monsoons seem terribly unamusing.

Me too!!

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2012-05-26 12:04 am UTC (link)
I don't know if I would call them unamusing so much as...bothersome? I've heard they get rain for 21 days in a month on average during the wet season. Can you imagine 21 days of downpouring rain? Doesn't sound very enjoyable.

So has the strict dietary and exercise regimen started yet, or are we allowed to go out and have fun and celebrate the whole possibility of Norway sometime this week?

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