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Orla Quirke ([info]elegantchaos) wrote,
@ 2008-01-21 13:00:00

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There's going to be a Halloween Ball? Oh dear Do we have to attend or is optional to skip it and stay in our common room? I just don't know if I like the idea of having to find a costume and then be masked at it - I won't be able to recognise anyone. I'd much rather the school do the regular feast with those decorations instead. Not that I'm going against what the teachers have decided, it's just a matter of preference.

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2008-01-22 02:26 am UTC (link)
I'm not much of a dancer, but Ginny is, so I might be spending a bit of time on my own. Which is fine with me. I think? I don't know. Maybe we can find each other for a chat?

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2008-01-22 04:58 am UTC (link)
With you?

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2008-01-22 05:07 am UTC (link)
Otherwise I just sit there, looking like a prat. Better to have company, doncha think? I understand wanting to hang back.

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2008-01-22 05:11 am UTC (link)
But you're - I couldn't imagine you looking like a prat, but I guess having company and someone to talk would be nice.

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2008-01-22 05:15 am UTC (link)
Oh no Orla, I look like a prat most of the time. I'm not that -

Perfect: this way Ginny doesn't feel guilty to go and dance and we each have someone to chat around with. That is if you aren't off dancing, then all bets are off yeah?

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2008-01-22 05:21 am UTC (link)
You know who I am? Oh, I've never thought so. Maybe smiling a bit more wouldn't hurt, but there's never been a time when I thought you were a prat.

I doubt there will be anyone dancing with me unless it's Stewart. And don't neglect Ginny, I'm sure she's excited to dance with you.

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2008-01-22 05:29 am UTC (link)
Ginny knows my limitations as a dancer sadly. Unless Neville I would offer a dance but I personally think that's akin to offering a dance with a mandrake. Gin has to suffer, no one else should. I'll stick to just conversation otherwise, yeah.

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2008-01-22 05:32 am UTC (link)
It would be one mandrake attempting to dance with another one unfortunately too! I'm really horrible at it and when my dad tried to show me not too long ago, I bruised most of his toes.

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2008-01-22 05:38 am UTC (link)
Some people just lack coordination. As so far I am one of them.

Your Dad? And for me - Padma. I stomped on her but good at the Yule Ball. Her amoung others sad to say. Padma? I'm sorry, belatedly, for that.

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2008-01-22 05:45 am UTC (link)
I suppose there should be a club for those of us unfortunate people who can dance to save their life.

Yes, my dad. He tried to teach me. I'm sure my mum would have been more help though if she were alive, but he has two left feet too. Poor Padma. I think I remember hearing about that afterwards. I was too young to go to the Yule Ball when it was hosted.

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2008-01-23 01:41 pm UTC (link)
You didn't miss much. Lots of dancing and bowing and hurt feelings. And hurt toes, thanks to me.

I'm sorry about your mum. I figure if mine had been alive, I would have learned the same. Or maybe I inherited my bad dancing from her? I dunno. It's not like I'll run off to Snape and ask.

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