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Orla Quirke ([info]elegantchaos) wrote,
@ 2008-04-04 22:11:00

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Just as I had said, I did get a cat for Christmas. Only it's not so much a cat as a kitten. She unbelievably small, fits right in the palm of my hands and is the sweetest thing in the world. She is absolutely curious about anything and everything, and makes quite the mess when she's exploring, but it's nothing I can't forgive her for. I don't have a name for her yet, nothing seems to fit right yet, but hopefully one will come to me soon.

I managed to take a picture of her earlier and just finished developing it. I think I'll paste it - she should be a little bit bigger by the time I bring her back to Hogwarts, but she'll stay small for a bit so please be careful if you see her!

I hope everyone else had a happy Christmas and got everything they wanted and then some!

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2008-04-09 12:46 am UTC (link)
That's what it takes then? Knowing my luck, I'd miss and hex your leg off instead.

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