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eliza g. diggle ([info]elizaddled) wrote,
@ 2009-07-22 15:16:00

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Ooh ohhh. I'm glad I have a lot of blue paint.

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2009-07-22 09:00 pm UTC (link)
I have been calling him that all day in my head.

Him! I can say that now, it is much better than It or The Baby or Him or Her, that's for sure.

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2009-07-22 09:04 pm UTC (link)
I don't think he'd appreciate the alliteration.

Or, you know, the fact that his name would be 'Baby Blue Boy'.

I definitely agree. I mean, with the 'him' thing, and how it's much better than the way we've been addressing the baby.

God, this is really happening, isn't it? We're gonna have a boy!

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2009-07-22 09:10 pm UTC (link)
So no Dedalus Diggle Jr.?

It is, and now I'm excited a little---okay a bit. Okay, a lot. I just bought a little quidditch broomstick :(

Though I still have to tell my brother. I think I'll still be excited afterward, though.

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2009-07-22 09:18 pm UTC (link)
I don't think I'd feel right, cursing another human being with my name. That would be just cruel.

Honestly, I'm rather excited about this, myself! I haven't gotten any little quidditch broomsticks, of course, but...I just found out, so that makes sense, right?

Er...you still haven't told him?

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2009-07-22 09:22 pm UTC (link)
That's good to hear. Not that I don't love your name, I think it's just too--- unique to try and pass it along.

Well. I am in the gift shop, and it was just there and yes.

I! I have tried and he's always going a mile a minute and I never get the chance and you do realize that he is going to KILL YOU, right?...but I think today will be the day. Baby Boy Blue is giving me some confidence.

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2009-07-22 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Yes. Unique. Right.

Well, if you were in the gift shop anyway...you couldn't just walk out empty handed, could you?

Yeah, I uh...figured that since I still have a pulse, he doesn't know about it yet. When you do tell him, let me know, so I can try to accomplish all the things I'd like to accomplish before I die in a very short amount of time.

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2009-07-22 10:08 pm UTC (link)
I am glad you think that. Because I also bought a blanket and teddy bear and--

Yes. There is that. But I will remind him that his son is the product of some potions mishaps and that he cannot call the kettle black.

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