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eliza g. diggle ([info]elizaddled) wrote,
@ 2010-02-08 14:45:00

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Eric is a very exciting person to live with! He has something new to show you every day, and is keen to let you know about it immediately. He's much louder more talkative than his father and I have ever been, that is for sure.

And he's also excited about attending his first wedding! We finally picked a date, and it's rather soon but it's a small ceremony so I can say I'm a Diggle without-. The big Greek one will come when Eric's a little older, a bit too much excitement during those. Maybe for our first anniversary? Which is technically in September--hmm--

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2010-02-10 03:56 am UTC (link)
I love you and Eric more than anything. And I don't mean that to make you blush, but to remind you, so you never forget.

I plan to remind you of that quite frequently. So you'll never have doubts.

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2010-02-10 04:29 am UTC (link)
I love you so much, I'm sorry I'm not more eloquent with my words!

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2010-02-10 05:01 am UTC (link)
Words don't mean a thing.

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