
December 10th, 2007

Journal Info

001 Fag Hag Graphics
Fag Hag Graphics@LJ.com


December 10th, 2007

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
Hello one and all who stumble upon thy Lucy Fag Hag's graphics journal. :) a.k.a [info]superherogirl. Fag Hag Graphics itself was established in 2005 when one little girl was rather bored with the world. She would be a frequent rper and make an insane amount of icons daily... Said bored little girl then decided one day to share these graphics and then some!

Ahem. Right. Moving on... I've always enjoyed making graphics, let it be a crappy base icon or creating different coloring techniques for them. From layouts to banners, to Gods know what else. I will try anything once. As long as my creative urges are met. :) I do hope that some of you would be interested enough to friend me. Even though, I'm leaving this journal open to the public for the time being, just as my LJ one.

Back on Greatestjournal Fag Hag Graphics was a community, so naturally I had more members. *sigh* Well, we'll see how everything goes. If you'd like to become an affiliate, you know the drill. Send an email my way over at cheeesecat@yahoo.com, or comment right here. Thank you very much!

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001 Fag Hag Graphics

I will be moving all public entries from my LJ over here, so I can begin advertising. :D Unfortunately posts with layouts, I'm afraid are not accessible right now since I had only posted them on GJ. I'll see what I can do about it. I'm going to work on the coding so you can use my layouts for whatever purpose, let it be blog layouts or a simple website one. But that will take a bit of time. Unfortunately for now I'll only be able to offer icons, banner badges, moodthemes and such. :)

I'll leave this post open for suggestions of any kind. If anyone would like to see something, don't hesitate to comment right here. Thank you!

Lucy Fag Hag
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