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001 Fag Hag Graphics
Fag Hag Graphics@LJ.com


November 7th, 2005

OoOOoooooohhh babbeeehhh!!!

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001 Fag Hag Graphics
*snort* This is such a cute song, anyway... For my first graphics post. A dedication to my favorite movie in all the world! ;D There are 70 random bases of the Nightmare Before Christmas and there is one Oogie Boogie friends only banner. I'll definitely make more later, and as soon as this community gets more members and stuff. If you want an icon a certain way, or from a certain scene just comment on this entry. Proper credit for the caps go to halloweentown.org, which I've been a proud member since it opened in 2002. Great place, one of the best fanlistings out there. ;) And all proper brush/texture/gradient/whatever credit is on the info page. Now onto the goodies!

A roly-poly Sandy Claws to add a little spice )

As I've mentioned before for my graphics, for the bases credit is not necessary but it's still nice. For the banner credit me or the community. ;)
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