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Tess Holt ([info]fairplay) wrote,
@ 2011-10-12 04:35:00

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Private Exercise Time.
It's been a long time since Tess actually had to use a handstand trainer-swing to practice. But she's pulled one out and set it up when she and Steven came into the gym.

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2011-10-16 06:54 am UTC (link)
He rubs his hand on the curve of her ass. "You know I'm going to be warmed up again after having my hands all over your perfect backside. So, assuming that option, how should I take you?" he asks, even as his hand comes back, then smacks down firmly on the left cheek. Again in the same spot, striking in short, quick movements with a pop of flesh on flesh.

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2011-10-16 07:00 am UTC (link)
A little moan, a little shaking.

"I could ride you?" She asks. "That was... really nice, before."

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2011-10-16 07:05 am UTC (link)
His hand comes up again, then down, each time striking the same spot with precision. For him, its easy - lift and set his hand down on the same precise spot each time, and watch her jiggle and bounce in slow motion. He leaves the other surface pristine, just marking her one side with a progressively darker handprint.

"As always, perfection, you'll get what you ask for." Sometimes not precisely as she asked for it, or what she meant, but she'll get it. All part of the fun, making her mind work a little and create expectations.

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2011-10-16 07:08 am UTC (link)
As nicknames go, she must admit, that one's appropos. But then she's busy moaning and writhing a little under his hand.
"It's red now, isn't it?" she mutters breathlessly, clearly liking the idea.

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2011-10-16 07:10 am UTC (link)
He rubs the sting in a little after a few more firm swats, then moves his hand, admiring his handiwork, groping a little as he shifts her about, caressing her ass, parting her cheeks a little to change perspective, and put her most intimate bits on display close up as he inspects his handiwork. "Hmmm, a few more." he finally decides, giving her another few precision swats. "Now its red enough."

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2011-10-16 07:16 am UTC (link)
And Tess trembles as she's handled and examined, even more turned on than she was already getting. Then she groans louder as the swats resume. A satisfied little sound when he pronounces her properly marked.

And then the gears are turning in her head, but she says nothing at the moment.

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2011-10-16 07:21 am UTC (link)
He knows that expression, but he'll give her just what she asked for, and if it doesn't become obvious, ask her about it later. He gives her one more swat to encourage her off his lap, so he can lay back, propping himself up a bit so he can watch her.

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2011-10-16 07:23 am UTC (link)
She scrambles up with a totally-not-a-squeak and, risen to her knees, lets down her hair. Separating it into two, she crawls on top of him to straddle and offers.

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2011-10-16 07:25 am UTC (link)
He takes hold of her hair, and, knowing how much she likes being watched, shifts his gaze between those gorgeous eyes of hers, and her lovely breasts.

"Good girl."

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2011-10-16 07:27 am UTC (link)
A soft, low little sound just at the way he's looking, and then she carefully takes him in hand to impale herself on him.

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2011-10-16 07:37 am UTC (link)
He groans as she sinks down onto him, one hand moving to her hip, the other to one breast, caressing and massaging the soft flesh, with the occasional pause to flick at her nipple, his eyes watching her expression as she settles onto his length.

"So, I saw... inspiration, perhaps? What was on your mind, perfection?"

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2011-10-16 07:43 am UTC (link)
And it's a rather urgently needy expression, everything he's doing making her writhe on him all the more until he's fully sheathed.

"Something for...next time," she says. "I'dl ike it to be a surprise if I can manage it myself. If I need help, I'll let you know."

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2011-10-16 06:16 pm UTC (link)
He rocks up into her, manhandling her breast a little more firmly in the process as his pace picks up. "I like surprises. Especially ones where you're looking that thoughtful."

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2011-10-16 06:18 pm UTC (link)
She whimpers at his hands, at the harder thrust into her. "I hope it turns out nice, then."

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2011-10-16 06:28 pm UTC (link)
He pumps harder, building up speed, hand on her thigh helping to stady her, the thrusts shallow but rapid, a little different ride from last time so far. But then variety is good.

"I have no doubt."

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2011-10-16 07:12 pm UTC (link)
And soon she's just moaning his name, eyes shutting, writhing on him.

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2011-10-16 07:42 pm UTC (link)
He doesn't bother to hold back anything, starting to tense up as the intensity builds, moving faster and faster in small, shallow thrusts, the sound of flesh on flesh picking up in pace and intensity, both hands now on her breasts, manhandling them as they bounce and jiggle with his motions.

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2011-10-16 08:07 pm UTC (link)
And she can't hold back either, and soon she's shuddering, convulsing on him, crying out sharply.

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2011-10-16 08:18 pm UTC (link)
He drives into her one more time, then remains buried deep as he climaxes hard, filling her with a sudden rush of heat. His body shudders hard, until his hands finally drop to his sides, and out of habit, he spends a few moments collecting his breath.

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2011-10-16 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Tess waits a while, catching her breath for more necessary reasons, before she disengages. and cuddles up beside him.

"So good," she mutters

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2011-10-16 08:29 pm UTC (link)
This time he's more settled when he snuggles in with her, just nestling comfortably. "And you, of course, are perfect."

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