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Andrea "Drea" Johnson ([info]feminist) wrote,
@ 2013-10-13 19:04:00

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Those standings look more and more beautiful every week.

I'm going to be a nervous wreck next week if I have to sit around with nothing to focus on next week. Or even sitting through extra practice on what should be game day.

If I could be so bold as to suggest it, would it be acceptable to split up our collective brain power and do some game scouting? The Wasps are playing the Falcons, and while I'm not terribly worried about Zabini, I'd like to get some more focus on Gudgeon and his methods. They're also fairly close to us in the standings, all things considered.

What say you, McCormack?

Keep Saturday open? I'm working on something, just cross your fingers that it works out.

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2013-10-14 01:09 am UTC (link)
Brilliant. Bats are playing the Wanderers. Harpies are playing the Magpies, which covers the next five match ups.

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2013-10-14 01:52 am UTC (link)
Holly and I will go to Bats/Wanderers.

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