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The unthinking majority. ([info]feuerfrei) wrote,
@ 2008-11-19 21:44:00

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Current music:Go - Pearl Jam
Entry tags:brb need some pills, i am scared, lol @ twilight, nedm

I never thought I'd feel bad for anyone with any link to Twilight. However, considering what happened to Robert Pattinson, I think I'll be mailing him a taser and a can of mace.

This almost borders on dehumanizing. I may have to renounce everything I do.

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2008-11-20 09:45 am UTC (link)
I'm highly amused at the size of that girl's sweat stain and the fact that it wasn't shopped out. I'd be pissed if that were me in that pic. SHIT NOW THE INTERNETS KNOW I DON'T WEAR ANTI-PERSPIRANT!

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2008-11-20 02:02 pm UTC (link)
At least we see the truth in this one.

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