i am your ANTICHRIST;


The unthinking majority.

inara ♦ spark of sanity


April 24th, 2009

Thirty Nine

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inara ♦ spark of sanity

"Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing for battle. Second two people; second pairing for battle. Etc. Then write your reaction to each battle."

The Bracket )

The rounds! )

March 3rd, 2009

Twenty Nine

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tarja ♦ boiling lights
Every day, I realize that, with few exceptions, all of my friends? Douches.

Fortunately for you guys, though, I love you because of it. If we weren't douches, we would probably never have met. Okay, so it's probably actually 'cause of RPing -- or, it is for Axel and Miharu... and maybe a few other people I still know, but most of them, I met because of our appreciation for telling morons to fuck off.

Kyoshiro finally finished downloading. Will begin screencapping Mika, Himiko, and Kaon tonight. I should eventually also get to screencapping Himeko and Chikane from KNM. I also need to rewatch Haruhi and finish downloading Princess Tutu. Quaaaaack.

I should draw, or write, or something... just do shit in all my classes, then fake that I'm having mental issues (my mom has foot surgery on Friday, we're moving at the end of the year, anything to explain it away... all of them ARE causing a bit of stress, too, which is better!) to not have to put up with bitchy teachers. I just hate school right now, and all my teachers suck at teaching. Our math book's either so circular as to not explain anything or doesn't explain it enough period, which is almost as bad! I should be allowed to shoot people for that shit.

Also. Crack pairings are bad for me. But I'm gaining some affection for Patchouli (Touhou)/Yomiko (R.O.D.); they go together TOO well.

February 23rd, 2009

Twenty Six

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mika ♦ wherever i may roam
Okay. Orange and purple. Awesome but gratuitous heterochromia is awesome but gratuitous.

And reading a few writings from fans? Ooooh, this fandom is so Die-For-Our-Ship it hurts. As should be expected since Kaon≈Chikane and Himiko≈Himeko, and that was a little DFOS.

February 6th, 2009


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duck hunt ♦ dirty dog
Icon Meme. Stolen from Axel. )

December 13th, 2008


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shizuma/nagisa ♦ seeing red
This is Patchouli.
This is Caterina.
This is Shirona.
This is Chikane.

My previous banner didn't work so well. Sadly, these were the first four characters I thought of when I thought of bannering someone for this journal. Who should I use? I'm not necessarily gonna be using these pictures, of course.

Regardless. I should be writing more for my prompts, but, too busy playing Pocket Morons Pokemon.
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