i am your ANTICHRIST;


The unthinking majority.

inara ♦ spark of sanity


December 21st, 2012


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patchouli ♦ ich muss zerstoeren

[info]feuerfrei @ SCRIBBLD -- HEY, IT'S NOT FRIENDS ONLY!

Despite that, I'd love it if you could tell me when you've added me.

User can also be found at danceonavolcano @ ij or snakesandarrows @ lj.

Writings can be found at [info]indestructible.

January 4th, 2009


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koyomi/michiru ♦ exploit me
Why did I not update this sooner? I guess... nothing really interesting's happened to me lately.

So... I'm a failure at prompted writing, but I'm finishing up with the Patchy/Caterina one. I'm probably not gonna post the stuff to the original prompt comm, but I'll post the crap on all my journals.

Anyone here bored and willing to RP with me?

November 17th, 2008


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operation mindcrime ♦ welcome
Just what you all wanted to do -- read another one of Arashi's fucking journals. The obvious problem, though, is that I've nothing interesting to report. Which sucks.

I mean, unless people want me to discuss my current re-watching of Strawberry Panic or my obsession with Operation: Mindcrime.

Also, apparently, I've been watchging too many Mel Brooks films... )
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