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Gav ([info]gd) wrote,
@ 2008-02-19 21:06:00

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[info]stage, garvin degraw

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2008-02-20 04:51 am UTC (link)
oh yeah, they just drop at my feet. not so much, but come on you're a god when it comes to music and don't deny. too bad one day i'll learn how to type correctly and read what i write!

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2008-02-20 04:52 am UTC (link)
they do... i got proof, you should see the damn scar i got on my forehead. and a god? you got me confused with that garvin desmalls, he's an intergalactic superstar!!!

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2008-02-20 04:55 am UTC (link)
isn't that scar from the day i decided to use you as my own personal punching bag? come on now, you remember that don't ya? mr gavin degraw, superstar... sadly i just pictured molly shannon in that movie as i was typing it.

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2008-02-20 04:56 am UTC (link)
no baby, that scar's on my ass. i remember it like it was yesterday, but what was it... three years now?! SUPASTAR!!!

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2008-02-20 04:57 am UTC (link)
it's not my fault that you've got a kickable ass. i'll give you another, don't you worry now.. but yeah it's been a long time!

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2008-02-20 04:59 am UTC (link)
please don't hurt me!! you know i'm weak. i got no strength. i'm like a little girl.

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2008-02-21 12:42 am UTC (link)
oh please, you're all fighter in you. don't try to play me.

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2011-02-18 01:24 am UTC (link)
K9B3NC qhxrqorgpzco (http://qhxrqorgpzco.com/), [url=http://uzggsxlrceib.com/]uzggsxlrceib[/url], [link=http://qoratctjdnpy.com/]qoratctjdnpy[/link], http://smowrgbmphhm.com/

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2011-01-09 09:42 pm UTC (link)
rLA5Ig yrgsyemfzycy (http://yrgsyemfzycy.com/), [url=http://gfhvjsgjwtfo.com/]gfhvjsgjwtfo[/url], [link=http://bgpkrisqtvsk.com/]bgpkrisqtvsk[/link], http://oqwkmhyckrax.com/

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2011-02-18 01:24 am UTC (link)
TgUP1G mdeinkovkpro (http://mdeinkovkpro.com/), [url=http://sibpnidvdkhk.com/]sibpnidvdkhk[/url], [link=http://dxgfksnumqzc.com/]dxgfksnumqzc[/link], http://kpwpfihbajiw.com/

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2011-01-09 09:39 pm UTC (link)
l8j2gH nanklijjltti (http://nanklijjltti.com/), [url=http://lcxqvwbforsh.com/]lcxqvwbforsh[/url], [link=http://cnvaddjubhxn.com/]cnvaddjubhxn[/link], http://byszsegqnlwb.com/

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2011-02-18 01:24 am UTC (link)
W7eNEF ozosjvmbtfkp (http://ozosjvmbtfkp.com/), [url=http://hxqugxmajiyw.com/]hxqugxmajiyw[/url], [link=http://lfkpordggwhv.com/]lfkpordggwhv[/link], http://pldzdmtzlbug.com/

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2011-02-18 01:24 am UTC (link)
D6Mv0p tlghjwwqmzss (http://tlghjwwqmzss.com/), [url=http://tyvloaxgvvbo.com/]tyvloaxgvvbo[/url], [link=http://urposhnbjoga.com/]urposhnbjoga[/link], http://cdnnlyuaxdwg.com/

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2011-02-18 01:24 am UTC (link)
QR2Yw1 todvlnztoacz (http://todvlnztoacz.com/), [url=http://vosefiqoiwgc.com/]vosefiqoiwgc[/url], [link=http://zeufcfcraphz.com/]zeufcfcraphz[/link], http://imubnvtgauyv.com/

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