[icon] The Life and Times of one Replis Monathin
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Time:02:30 pm
Current Mood:exhausted
...Mn... that went spectacularly.

Edit: Okay so, what had happened last night is when I tried to approach DA en masse about all the shit that had been going on, with the superpower overkill and whatnot... I got no support from the community, and then when I went into the talkroom, it was invalidated because there was no support for it. I tried to talk a little bbit but they.. they all virtually prpetty much ganged up on me. Adding onto the pile with tons of criticism that thehy had planned for me after thanksgiving, pretty much bashing me down to the point where I basically think that it's all my fault for my dislike in the RP. They also mentioned that none of my characters were well-played except when happy, that the mood of the RP is what I make of it, and that I was getting out exactly as much as I put in. Which the last part was kinda bullshit. None of them even considered how I felt, and I basicallly broke down to the point of thinking I was a useless fuck up whose RP hadn't matured at all and that I didn't contribuute anything to the RP. I'm backk to square one again, now. I feel like crap, all exhausted. I'm snapping at people more... I'm second guessing myself with everything I do...

It's just... ugh, I don't even know anymore...
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[icon] The Life and Times of one Replis Monathin
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