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Sophronia Harriet Branstone ([info]golddigger) wrote,
@ 2012-08-04 14:34:00

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I think I could be very content to play in the all star game every year. Only allowed seven; a bit high compared to my average, but considering the competition I'll take it. Kicked arse with the celebrity game as well, congratulations again to everyone on Team Kirke; it was definitely fun to participate.

Not sure why that excitement didn't transfer back over, though I'll take a four goal game any day. Hard when it comes down to Silas not paying attention one seeker being faster than the other...would have won otherwise, all a matter of luck, I think. We'll get it together next weekend versus the United. Always a good feeling to be flying with my teammates, glad to get back in the swing of it.

Iwan! Leonardo and I are hosting a family dinner Sunday night. You should really try and make it over, I know Eleanor loves to see you, as does her mother. Mason is coming over as well!

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2012-08-05 03:02 am UTC (link)
Well, tell him to stop being an arse and let you spend time with your family. We can adjust time if need be so you can come.

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