Like most of my posts, this is unimportant. It's just for my reference and to dump into my userinfo.
Over at
traverse_town I play:
Sephiroth →Final Fantasy VII→
experfectionXemnas →Kingdom Hearts→
thesuperiorDeadpool →Marvel→
wadepoolSanji →One Piece→
sanjiKyouya Ootori →Ouran High school Host Club→
shadowkingPegasus Crawford →Yu-gi-oh!→
positively_fabEngland →Hetalia Axis Powers→
propergentlemanPrussia →Hetalia Axis Powers→
theworldismineThe Master →Doctor Who→
lordandmasterAltaïr Ibn-La'Ahad →Assassin's Creed→
justamonkMao →Code Geass→
Dropped and/or Hiatus↓
Genjyo Sanzo →Saiyuki→
31stofchinaKuzco →Emperor's New Groove→
boombabyZaphod Beeblebrox →Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy→
zaphodGermany →Hetalia Axis Powers→
machtschnellIf anybody for some reason wants to rp in messengers or whatevs I play all the above and have a lot more muses from many different fandoms! All ya gotta do is ask!
(゚、 。 7 - What is this I don't even.
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ
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