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heroic_dynamo ([info]heroic_dynamo) wrote,
@ 2011-05-18 19:24:00

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Meeting the Heir
Once again Zviad was not permitted to test the Dynamo suit on the Winter Guard training grounds. Apparently calling a governor out on the fact that he was using tax money to go on a cruise with his mistress was grounds for being, as the Americans called it, in the doghouse. As a result Zviad was forced to test the suit in the artillery field. He personally believed the governor was hoping he'd be put in the hospital by a stray shot. God how he hated politicians. Stil, he hated to think of the mess there'd be without them. The irony was not lost on him. Still, at least he was allowed to pilot the suit at all. Part of him resented that he was still using the Federal Armor while he knew he could handle the Crimson unit. Zviad refused to kiss ass and as a result...

"No use dwelling on that garbage. Yuri, set the test up." He radioed to the tower.

"As you say, Zviad." Yuri started the sequence, activating a series of armed drones. "I head about what happened. You really need to learn to play the game, my friend."

"The game, as the Americans say, sucks." Zviad sees the drones exiting from the tower and activates his bootjets, taking off into the sky. The drones opened fire as Zviad pulled off a series of aerial manuevers, testing the suits agility and manueverability first. "Not that I don't understand your point. It is simply not my taste."

"Da, I know what you are saying." Yuri was amazed Zviad could pull off such graceful and complex manuevers while maintaining casual conversation. The man belonged in the Crimson program, but Zviad's intolerance of their government superiors kept him where he was. "I mean seriously, couldn't you just wait until he was gone and then yelled at a wall or something."

Zviad laughed as he activated his gauntlets, battering the drones with a series of energy blasts. "True, but then I wouldn't have seen the old bastard's face whe I called him on it. Eyes bulged out, face redder than this armor." Zviad twisted as he spoke, barely avoiding a surprise attack and driving a one-handed jackhammer blow sending the damaged drone careening to the ground.

"You'll be piloting that forever with that attitude." Zviad was finishing off the rest of the drones when Yuri continued. "Besides, have you seen his mistress? I love my wife and would never betray her, but a woman like that'd certainly make me think twice! Let the old man live a little."

Zviad chuckled. "As a matter of fact I have. I never said I couldn't understand, merely that I didn't approve." Zviad frowned under his helmet. "Tell that to his wife."

Yuri just sighed. The boy was too much of an idealist. He'd never reach the levels he deserved. It was a pity. "One more time?"

"Sure, bring a little more out this time."

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2011-05-19 05:24 pm UTC (link)
"Ok Yuri, enough of the drones. Let's get some human-sized opposition out here."

"Okay," Yuri pressed a button, which sent a signal deploying a series of robots. There were based on confiscated plans for Maggia Dreadnoughts.

Zviad landed as the machines attacked him. They weren't sentient, but had basic A.I., allowing them to fight somewhat intelligently. Zviad ducked a punch from one of the machines, using the momentum of the robot's attack, using the armor's considerable strength lifted it and used a sambo throw to cast the machine behind him. Another fired a pair of energly blasts from its hands. Zviad activated the boot jets adding to the momentum of a dodging leap to the air. he fired a series of gauntlet-blasts to the robot's head, temproraily scrambling its vision. He quickly propels himself forward, taking advantage of the brief period of blindness and elivers a blow, caving in the unit's head.

He quickly shot back into the air as two more robots had taken to the skies. Both extended their hands, firing multiple blasts at him. Now he was forced on the defensive as he put the suit's manuevarbility to the test. He utilized a variety of different aerial techniques as bit by bit he managed to get in closer to the dreadnoughts.

He could Yuri yelling in his ear. "Kid, abort the scenario. They've got killshots on you."

"No, there's a way."

He realized to get within range he'd half to take some hits, so allowed himself to be cuaght by some of their shots. The armor rung and warnings sounded, but he knew he had them. As the machines went to finish off their pray, Zviad let loose with both hands, activating the full-power of the energy gauntlets. The attack tore through the robots' armor, tearing the machines apart as they careened to the ground. Zviad let out a breath of exhaustion as he landed.

As if mone cue... "Damn it boy! Tearing the suit up like that isn't going to convince the brass to promote you to Crimson!"

"Not that I don't appreciate the money the suits have thrown at us," Zviad began, his voice somewhat strained. "But I wonder how long it'll take for when them to realize these suits are made for COMBAT. The sooner they realize that the better off we'll all be."

Yuri just groaned, hoping no one too important had heard Zviad mouth off about the leadership..again.

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2011-05-19 05:30 pm UTC (link)
Nobody /important./ But somebody who didn't mind a little mouthing off, or somebody who sounded an awful lot like his dad.

Misha spoke into his own comm, in Russian of course. "Nice job! You got some good moves."

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2011-05-19 05:48 pm UTC (link)
Zviad was starled by the new voice, he had no idea someone else was on their frequency.

"Ah, thank you..." Zviad had no clue who the person on the other end was and as such had no idea how to address him.

A private frequency went to Zviad from Yuri. "Kid, that's Misha Romanov, the prince!"

"Shit," was all Zviad could say. Quickly switching back to the main comm he said. "Thank you..Majesty."

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2011-05-19 06:15 pm UTC (link)
"Not yet, and hopefully never if cousin Mikhail has lots of kids," Misha said cheerfully. "Call me Misha or Mikhail. If that's too much, Highness will have to do. I'd really prefer Misha."

He allowed the suit to become visible. He wasn't a tall figure but the suit was imposing enough, clearly a Stark Inc product. "You're Zviad what?"

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2011-05-19 06:51 pm UTC (link)
Zviad, while surprised, managed to keep his composure at the suddenly appearing figure. Zviad took his helmet off so he could speak to the prince, face-to-face.

"Yes, that's me. I hope my reputation hasn't reached as far as the Royal Family." While his look was serious, there was an undercurrent of humor in the words.

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2011-05-19 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Not that I know of." The man's avoidance of revealing his last name made Misha smile inside the helmet. The faceplate shifted to expose his face as well.

"Would you mind if I had put put on my training rotation? Some of the Guard are a little reluctant to come at me with everything they've got. I keep telling them I'm hard to kill but they don't believe me."

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2011-05-19 07:34 pm UTC (link)
"Uh sure, I was just finishing up anyway." Zviad said, allowing himself a genuine smile. "Do you want me to have Yuri bring in some equipment for you?"

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2011-05-20 04:44 pm UTC (link)
"I wasn't talking about now, but if you still have the energy for it..." The suit began peeling itself off his body and folding into a small case at his feet. He stood in the training arena wearing the black undersuit. "I don't need equipment for hand-to-hand, unless you want to play with katanas."

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2011-05-20 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Zviad realized that Misha meant to train with him.

'Oh boy,' Zviad said, thoughts racing through his head. One he ends up hurting Misha, and later has to feel the wrath of his paretns. Or two he snubs the prince's pride and he gains an even worse reputation in the Russian government.

"Alright, let me good the suit off. I'm not so skilled in armed combat." As Zviad began intiate the disengaging sequence, Yuri yelled over the speaker.

"Are you insane!? You do this and it's not just your career on the line!"

"Maybe Yuri, but I'm not skirting around this."

Yuri muttered some particularily choice curses ad Zviad stretched.

"Training parameters?"

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2011-05-21 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Is he giving you hell?" Misha asked, chuckling a little. "Telling you to take it easy on me?" He swung his arms a little, stretching after the time in the suit, making himself seem as harmless as possible.

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2011-05-22 02:18 am UTC (link)
Zviad lets out a chuckle of his own.

"Hell, da. Easy, no. He's simply looking out for me. Yuri 's time ws one of blanant nepotism. He's afraid any harm I may do to you will reflect badly on your..formidable parents." 'Formidable' meaning dangerous. "However I'd like to believe that time is over. If you were put to train with the Guqard, I'll assume you have the ability to back it up."

Zviad whispered to himself in Georgian, his mother's language. "If I'm wrong I'm finished." He covered the whisper with some leg stretches. "Rules?" He asked regarding the sparring.

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2011-05-23 03:14 am UTC (link)
"That time is over, at least as far as my branch of the family is concerned." Besides, his parents knew him well. He didn't learn as well unless he was in the thick of combat, and he wanted to add Russian Sambo to his muscle memory.

"The rules. I'm working on sambo, but no one is giving me everything they got. I won't learn it until I fight a better opponent and lose a few times. Just don't break my neck. I'll be healing for weeks if you do."

He grinned and took a stance. "I'm the world's worst patient when I'm hurt. I want a pretty girl to hold my hand the whole time."

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2011-05-23 03:46 am UTC (link)
"I'll hold you to that." Zviad paused at what Misha said. He knew he was a mutant, but wasn't too familiar with his powers. "Very well then."

He allowed himself a smirk before he attacked.

"Da, I can certainly think of worse ways to heal." He turned serious as he struck at Misha with a series of high kicks to his side.

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2011-05-24 03:33 pm UTC (link)
"Nobody takes the fall for me, bub. Especially when it's my own idea."

Misha let the first kick hit him. It hurt, a lot. The grin on his face didn't waver. He was finally getting some training from someone who seem to understand what he wanted.

The second was blocked. The third gave him enough to reproduce it as Zviad had performed it and he made a grab for the man's heel when it came up again.

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2011-05-24 03:57 pm UTC (link)
He learned quick, but Zviad had expected him to catch on. The minute his foot was caught, Zviad countered with a series of quick punches aimed at Misha face, all the while managing to maintain a balance on his free foot.

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2011-05-29 01:22 am UTC (link)
Again, the first one connected but Misha didn't lose the slight smile. He'd avoided the next few, shoved the man's foot aside and ducked in to body slam Zviad.

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2011-05-29 01:41 am UTC (link)
He'd expected an attack like this, and he was ready. He allowed himself to fall back, bringing Misha down with him. He quickly went to lock his hands around his neck, but not as hard as he could, as well moving to lock his legs around his midsection. The goal was to try and lock him in a chokehold. If he succeeded he would be on the alert for any sign that the prince couldn't get lose.

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2011-05-29 02:42 am UTC (link)
Instinctively Misha tensed himself against the hands around his neck before training kicked in and he relaxed to let muscle memory take over.

Shifting, he rolled and attempted to take Zviad with him. It was an essential part of his muscle memory to fix reactions to different movements. Testing the hold gave him a lot to work with.

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2011-05-29 06:45 pm UTC (link)
'He told me he didn't know sambo, yet somehow he's learning as the fight progresses. Must have something to do with his mutant ability.'

His thoughts were interrupted by Yuri who was yelling all sorts of curses. The roll succeeded in rolling them over, but Zviad attempted to maintain his grip.

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