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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote,
@ 2012-02-25 20:27:00

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The point of the Avenger galas was to mingle and visit with the people they rescued from Certain Doom constantly, as well as raise a little extra money to fund being the Avengers. It was amazing that people were willing to pay to ogle at the heroes and have the bragging rights to meeting/touching them. For the Avengers themselves, it was a mixed bag. Sometimes you got the Creepy Fan, or the wheezing old general that reminisced too much, or the ever-so-irritating Armchair Avenger who'd nitpick that shot you took at Doc Ock's tentacle instead of the joint attaching it to his back...

France was stuck with the last one at the moment, smile slowly growing pointed the longer she listened. That compounded with the pretty-but-painful shoes she was wearing and coming from a long monitor shift, she was sorely tempted to do or say something very unAvenger-like that she knew she'd get a lecture for later. "That is a fascinating suggestion, but seeing as the physics in Wanted are hard to reproduce in the real world, I don't think I'll be bending my arrows any time soon. Excuse me, but I see a friend I need to chat with, maybe I'll find you later," she finally announced when she could get a word in and strolled away to the bar. She smiled a pained smile at the bar tender. "Porter, please. And possibly a whiskey chaser." When the dark beer was pulled and placed in front of her, Frances sighed with relief and picked it up. "Hello dear friend, fancy meeting you here."

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2012-02-26 02:12 am UTC (link)
Anya ordered a vodka martini with extra olives. "You may have a point there and I'm sure Doc Samson will agree with you." Anya grinned when Francie wrinkled her nose. Anya knew she didn't like the nickname, never had, but Anya always got away with it.

"Of course I am. Genetics. I was born for parties like this."

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2012-02-26 02:24 am UTC (link)
She snorted and shook her head. "Don't let him hear you say that, I didn't use nearly enough big words."

"True, my schtick is more smoky, borderline skeezy pool-halls. At least there I can take the annoying people's money as compensation." She looked over her shoulder at the civilians wandering about and sighed. "And a barfight isn't as frowned upon."

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2012-02-26 02:32 am UTC (link)
"I'm funding that man's retirement fund," she said as she picked up her martini.

"You and my brother. Must be nice. Though I do admit that I do love these types of affairs. I grew up around them and there are going to be many more in my future."

She held up her glass. "Here's to being Avengers."

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2012-02-26 02:51 am UTC (link)
Frances leaned back to look at the heiress to the Stark title in wounded dignity. "I am not that bad, mademoiselle. At least I have some sense of style to my name." She gave an affronted sniff before sipping her beer once more, playing it up.

She had to agree to that, Anya was in her element during these. Well one of her elements. "You schmooze with the best of them, no doubt."

"To being Avengers," she agreed and clinked her glass to the martini lightly, grinning. "To saving the world and partying like rockstars."

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2012-02-26 02:57 am UTC (link)
"I'm not saying you are that bad," she said. "You and my brother are a lot alike in tastes. He prefers bars and pool over these functions like you. There's nothing wrong with it."

"How else would I get people to invest in my company or donate to the Maria Stark Foundation?"

Anya chuckled. "If only getting your ass kicked was that glamorous."

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2012-02-26 03:32 am UTC (link)
She shrugged to that, having to admit some of it was true. "Well, when you're Hawkeye, certain attitudes and habits are expected from you." Lifting an eyebrow, she nodded at Anya, who would know exactly about living with expectations and assumptions.

"Hmmm hacking their accounts and pilfering the needed goods would be frowned upon, wouldn't it?"

"Ha! Exactly." She smoothed the skirt of her dress down and sighed. "It's starting to feel like wearing nice clothes attracts goons and beekeepers. Heels just magnify the effect, too."

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2012-02-26 03:39 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, expectations can be a bitch," she said. "I mean if I were to live up to mine I would be well on my way to become an alcoholic and should be sleeping around more." Anya shrugged. "We are who we want to be. I embrace a lot of my Starkness, but there are some parts I don't."

"Big time. It would give me a lot more time to actually work."

"Better than attracting super villains," Anya said speaking from experience.

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2012-02-26 04:07 am UTC (link)
Frances lifted her glass to that statement. "Although antagonizing the noble boyscout types and unabashed flirting," she chuckled with a wink. "That's right up my alley." Embrace the Starkness, heh.

"Work? Perish the thought." She shook her head at the sheer idea of getting stuff done.

She gave a pained look at the idea of a supervillain visiting. "Please no. Not tonight."

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2012-02-26 04:12 am UTC (link)
"I happen to like those boyscout types," Anya said with a smile. "I've been dating Buck for a little while now."

Anya took a sip of her drink. "Work. It's all I do now. Getting a company off the ground is a lot of hard work. Plus leading a team while I'm at it. Good thing I was born a workaholic."

"It would be nice if we could get through the night without something happen."

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2012-02-26 04:25 am UTC (link)
"Mmmhmmm," she replied and leaned her chin on her wrist, looking very amused with the announcement. She grinned widely. "And is he being all he can be?"

Shaking her head in amazement, Frances was very glad she didn't go the MBA road. "I can hang out on a rooftop for four hours for a shot, you can sit there and parse powerpoints, interpret stocks, draw up designs and convince people to invest. Oy. Your merry band isn't giving you too much trouble, are they?"

She knocked on wood, though scanning the ground on reflex. "Amen to that."

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2012-02-26 04:34 am UTC (link)
"Sadly, I wouldn't know. We rarely see each other and we have yet to bump uglies. I swear I'm almost to the point of ditching my phone, communicators and kidnapping him to a tropical island where clothes are not allowed."

"They're great. Martin thinks the kitchen appliances are possessed because they commit suicide when I touch them. I've tried to tell him my long dubious history with kitchen appliances and cooking disasters. Gods help him if he meets Toni and she tells him of the cereal incident. Kelly is interesting and keeps trying to get me naked with just repulsor gauntlets. We just got a new member so the jury's out on him. Bea's probably the sanest one of us all. I think she's appalled at that."

"So what have you been up to lately?" Anya asked changing the subject.

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2012-02-26 05:06 am UTC (link)
She nodded, approving the suggestion wholeheartedly. "I second this plan, gimme a call and I'll cover what I can while you two are off on La Isla Bonita."

Listening and nodding, she had to chuckle at the infamous cereal incident, though lifting an eyebrow as Anya went on. "Kelly sounds rather... fiesty. Maybe should draw smiley faces on you, just in case she gets lucky." They did sound like a solid little group though, a good chance of banding together for a while.

"Avoiding Armchair Avengers," she admitted and took a sip, smirking. "Hostessing some friends from Special Forces around here. Cougar's got suave in buckets, but Jensen's..." She screwed up her face, thinking. "More like a newborn foal in rollerskates when it comes to flirting at women."

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2012-02-26 05:15 am UTC (link)
"I may just have to do it. Just for the sake of my sex life. I can't just pay Hal on the Defenders a call when I need a booty call. Which I highly recommend him if you need a booty call."

"She is. They're all rather unique."

Anya chuckled. "Sounds like quite a crew. You ever think taking up the spandex and being an Avenger?"

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2012-02-26 07:58 pm UTC (link)
"Heh, from what I've heard they've set up a phone line all his own for that."

Frances smirked crookedly at Anya, unmistakeable for her father when she smiled. Like you have to ask. "Nah, I only mastered sharpshooting with an archaic weapon for the pick up line."

Knocking back her chaser, she chuckled and toyed with the tumbler. "You think they'd have space for a 'ready fire aim' type with such distinguished personages?" She waggled her eyebrows meaningfully, though if she was on the A-team, she could annoy or cajole James into taking more breaks. Win, win.

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2012-02-27 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Of course they do," Any said. "Goodness knows the B-Team could use the help." Anya smirked.

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2012-02-27 02:27 am UTC (link)
"The B-team huh?" Frances had to chuckle at that, the Thundebolts talkin' smack about the Avengers. "Looks like I'm going to have whip some butts into shape."

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2012-02-27 02:31 am UTC (link)
Anya chuckled. "It's a long running joke. The Avengers are a great crew, but I may be a little biased toward my own team."

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2012-02-27 02:36 am UTC (link)
She waved her hand, not needing an explanation. Fondness for each other made a unit into a team. "As you should be, they're your babies! You've cultivated and nourished them and put the fear of Anya into them."

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2012-02-27 02:38 am UTC (link)
She held up a hand. "Don't talk about babies. I'm already a grandmother."

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2012-02-27 02:50 am UTC (link)
Frances took a pause, only because with their lives, time-jumping and alternate universes were a very valid possibility. "You don't do anything the easy way, do you?"

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2012-02-27 02:55 am UTC (link)
Anya laughed. "Not at all. The AI I wrote collaborated with another AI I wrote and they made a little AI. Don't ask, long story, but in essence I'm a grandma."

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2012-02-27 03:05 am UTC (link)

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