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sǝןʞɹɐds sǝʇɐɥ uɐʍs ɐןןǝq ([info]issaswan) wrote,
@ 2011-01-10 18:38:00

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Locked to [info]phoenixmods

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2011-01-20 10:44 pm UTC (link)
That is true. If you'd like to show me your samples I'll take a look and get back to you.

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2011-01-21 08:57 pm UTC (link)
Here's a sample thread from an RP I played her in a while ago. There are a couple other viewable threads if you use the tags and I have some journal entries for her too.

Do you mind me asking if you've ever written Bella or Edward before? I too prefer to play off chemistry and I know some people have some specific choices for both characters.

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2011-01-21 09:13 pm UTC (link)
I'm such a dip! here's the sample thread. Sorry, it's been a long day at work. I have contracted teh!dumb.

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2011-01-22 01:20 am UTC (link)
Don't worry about it.

I'm gonna pass on bring them in romantically so you can bring him in however you'd like.

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2011-01-24 06:40 pm UTC (link)
Sounds good! I completely agree. Also, I noticed that you have Bella as 16, and just wanted to let you know, she's 18 in New Moon. She's all sulky at the beginning cause she's turning older than Edward, and that's in September, way before she starts hanging out with Jake. I wasn't sure if you were going completely off canon, but I thought I'd mention it, in case you weren't.

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2011-01-24 06:57 pm UTC (link)
Thanks, I forgot to update that when I decided her canon point.

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