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「ℐuliet → ᶯott」 ([info]isthesun) wrote,
@ 2011-06-16 05:09:00

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[RAVENCLAW GIRLS] So. I believe I have finally found my perfect date to the Sloper wedding.

His name is Matthieu Lefèvre. Tall, dark, handsome, painfully confident, and a truly despised co-worker at Nott's firm... Oh, and very French, which is quite possibly worse than all the other circumstances combined.

I know, it's brilliant. You don't have to tell me.

Jugson, not a word of this is allowed to reach your husband's ears. I would prefer my plan be a happy surprise.

Also, I hear you're back in town, Bell? Please speak up already if so. [/RAVENCLAW GIRLS]

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2011-06-16 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Partial revenge, partial self-preservation in the ego department... and partially a very amusing game.

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