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Mortimer Dodderidge A.K.A. JAMIE! ([info]jamienotmorty) wrote,
@ 2008-04-15 16:20:00

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Miranda, just so you know, I hate you. Also, no going in my room and continuing to spread your sickness all over the place before you go back. If I come back and am sick agian or still sick, it's your fault.

Another thing--I'll have my last will and testiment written out shortly, and I'm leaving you the guitar. You are not allowed to touch it, though, until after I've had a proper funeral.

Maddox, I think you get the book collection. My only request is you don't sell them, please. If I come back as a ghost, I'd like to have something to read.

Moses, I haven't decied what to leave you. You'll know when the will is read.

Mum just peeked over my shoulder and said something about over-reacting and then

The drawings and paintings and things you can divide amongst yourselves if you lot actually want any of them or just give them to Mum and Dad.

There's also a locker at King's Cross that contains Very Important Things. It's

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2008-04-16 02:21 am UTC (link)
That's really cool. You should play for me sometime. soon

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2008-04-16 02:32 am UTC (link)
If you'd really be interested, I might. When I have some free time, that is. My schedule's all up in the air right now. Obviously

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2008-04-16 02:35 am UTC (link)
Yeah, definitely when you're free. Let me know if you want anything, but it looks like your family pretty much has you taken care of. Can I come make sure you're no

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2008-04-16 02:44 am UTC (link)
I would like to not have to go to hospital if it comes down to it. Also

Yeah, I think I'm good right now, but I'll let you know if I do.

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