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м k j ([info]jasper) wrote,
@ 2012-03-10 00:34:00

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[SETH WADCOCK] It ceases to amaze me how you seem unable to come to terms with the fact that we are no longer dating. So I honestly can't understand as to who you think you are addressing me in public as such if we were ever even friends. Do not--- talk to me, do not talk to the people around me, do I make myself clear? [/SETH WADCOCK]

[DEREK] So, on a scale of one to hit-wizard, how prepared are you for this amazing life journey you are about to take? [/DEREK]

[BIANCA] When's your next vacation time? I think we need to work on your tan-- I know the perfect Moroccan beach! [/BIANCA]

Merlin, these children keep coming in younger and I keep feeling older everyday. What would we have even be doing in Hogwarts at this time?

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2012-03-11 02:01 am UTC (link)
This is one of those rare occasions where the Muggle way is the better way.

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