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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-07-21 08:32:00

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Busy Day!
Hey everyone! I'm getting tons of new friends, a couple from a Nightmare Before Christmas community, some from a Sony PSP community and I'm loving all my new friends! So let's see...

Techy Geek Talk: Listened to the new episode of TWiT and the last of the Engadget Podcasts for the week. I really like TWiT! This weeks Engadget podcast came out horrible, production-wise. But it had some nice information and all. I also noticed that Mozilla has already released FireFox 1.0.6 and Thunderbird 1.0.6. The release fixed some extention issues from 1.0.5 in FireFox but I am unsure as to what it fixed in Thunderbird.

I've also learned that since many podcasts that are kept on peoples .Mac accounts has forced Apple to lay down a line for bandwidth usage. People with .Mac accounts are now limited to 3GBs of transfer a month, but for the ever-so low price of $49 they can upgrade to 10GBs of transfer and 1024MBs of storage space. Lovely huh!

Just found out Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will recieve the AO (Adults-Only) rating from the ESRB...cute.

Another nice tidbit of cool news, apparently someone has a Gameboy emulator running on the Apple iPod. It uses Linux so you will need to install that on your iPod, but it's not to bad! Now, to find out when it'll be released!

Just noticed that you can do a slideshow of pictures people have sent to you in Mail for Tiger.

Pony Chat: Hrmm, posted my Vershire show pics this morning, people seem to like them. If you wanna see check out the [info]horse_photos community!

I met a nice girl on Equestrian Pages IRC server today. She was inquiring about selling her horse. It looks like a very nice horse although somewhat tempermental and just barely green broke. Anyways, that was a good time waster :)

Random Ramblings...: Hrmm, work was nice today, I just pulled wire with Patio and worked on testing some APXs. Byt the time I got that done it was time to go home. Oh I also chatted with [info]inkandbullets, was nice! I learned lots of stuff about her! So when I got home, I worked on TinyMeat and coding things, such fun! Umm then I watched the rest of James and the Giant Peach, awesome movie! Will probably watch it another 5 times before I return it haha

I fixed Berkeys machine too. I just slapped in some ATi 128MB card and it works now! I love it! I'm actually using it right now and will do so until he asks for it back. I kinda hope it's a while. I like this machine hehe!

Oh yea, Ari emailed me asking for my mailing address, she said she's going to send me something. I hope it's pie! My ex-girlfriend also emailed me but I told her to basically eff-off. She's so annoying...I do hope she gets trampeled by some horses or something. JUST SHUT UP PLEASE!

Anything else important I should be mentioning?! Well if I think of it I'll let you all know! :)

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