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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-10-18 08:49:00

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I Can't Do It Like You Do.
well this afternoon I did my homework..called some people, busy phones and no pickups. Oh well not my loss. Then around like 4:30pm I went to the comic bookstore. Got there and looked at a couple CDs then I went to the anime...oh wait even before all this, while I was walking there I saw some girl that looked just like Lucy Lui and I almost walked into a tree haha Anyways, I went to the anime section, and I really wanted to get Ghost in the Shell but it was $40...aha So I looked at some moer manga, and I couldn't decide which to get. I wanted some new ones, and I saw like 3-4 new ones but I wasn't about to spend a billion dollars. So I got one new one and the 2nd part to Bow Wow Wata. Ummm the SJ FAQs have been updated. Ok so I got Couple and yeah Bow Wow Wata part2. And then I came back, went to dinner. Came back here. Then Joe IMed me and wanted to jam, but I have no set and there isn't any around here...so we just chilled for a little, then I came back to the room. Didn't do much, got stomped with IMs and emails. So it took me like 2 hours to get that cleared up. I talked to Adelaide today. That was nice, I haven't talked to her in forever. Funny thing:

James Brancaccio: haha
Adelaide Rooney: first thig.... i think shes really fun..... secondly, the first time i started talking to her i thought... "jimmy would like her"
Adelaide Rooney: wierd!
James Brancaccio: lol
James Brancaccio: yeah she is pretty funny

Fun fun LOL So then umm I think I was talking to JESSNESSS too and then I had to go to see Joe.

Ummm then I came back LaLaLa did emails and forums. And now I am just talking to jessssssnessss and we're having fun because i am distracting her haha But her radio station now works for me. But they were playing bad music LOL I can't wait to listen to her show! I AM GOING TO CALL! Hahah And now I am going to talk to her and read Bow Wow Wata and go to sleep!

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