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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-10-17 08:50:00

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Fellway - Dear Tommorow
I’ve put in everything, just to see it fall apart (fall apart)
The scars remain to remind me, of what I’ve done (what I’ve done)

So for tomorrow
I toast with you (toast with you)
Better luck tomorrow
This is just the start (just the start)
Just the start

Pulling together all the pieces, of my demise (of my demise)
Rebuild and reconstruct my kingdom (my kingdom)

So for tomorrow
I toast with you (toast with you)
Better luck tomorrow
This is just the start (just the start)
Just the start

And justify
And initiate
My life

Follow me and find the truth
No more doubts left in here
Follow me and live again
This is just the start

This is just the start
Let’s begin from here
This is just the start
Let’s begin from here

And so for tomorrow
I toast with you
Better luck tomorrow
This is just the start
Follow me and find the truth
No more doubts left in here
Follow me and live again
This is just the start

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