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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-07-25 20:34:00

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Samantha Diaries.
My memories and scribbles of the coolest girl in the world :)

July 5th 2002: And today I pretty much talked to Sam all day long lol. We got to know eachother and shit, traded some pix, Lucy Lui lol And shes the best hooker upper girl in the world. Damn it was like Christmas or winning the fucking lottery or something lol

Ummm....talked some more with Sam today, that darn hooker lol You know what I mean haha

July 7th 2002: Sam is the only person who has followed me onto Dead Journal and hopefully the only one, and she's damn cool so I give her a warm welcome onto Dead Journal. She is listed in my Friends section if you wanna check her shit out please do she is a fucking awesome girl and don't miss it!

July 8th 2002: Ok so I talked to my mom about my Ninja Mission and she was like well you really aren't that responisble and you would need to make the money and stuff like that but she was like if you can do that well then I will consider it and I was like WOW! So anyways time to go help Sam with Dead Journal, luv yas kids!

Ok well Sam good job on getting that JOB lol We near closer a closer to the Ninja Mission each day.

July 9th 2002: Talked to Sam some more today, beautiful as usuall! Umm she was talking to her self when I was sleeping and I felt that this conversation she had with herself was good enough to be posted on the web. *LINK REMOVED* Check it out I thought it was fucking hilarious! Sam you crack me up, your da best!

I talked to Sam alot tonight talked about stuff....stuff I am sure would bore you people to death and its all private talk anyways so fuck off and mind you own buiness lol.

July 11th 2002: Umm I talked to Sam alot today, we got a go ahead on my NInja mission from Frank!!!! This is soooo good, but I need a fucking Visa Card or something to help me o my mission! O well....so I am saving all my cahsh ans shit and learning my Ninja Talk hehe I know a couple things, but not really all that much....

I played some Half Life and WarCraft today and talked with Sam tonz, I luv that gurl!

July 12th 2002: I talked a lot with Sam today. Little DragoN seXy voice! And we talked for like 30 hours today......Umm and she is very veyry funny and such a great awesome friend!

But its cool I like it, so anyways Sam you kick ass!

Well i got up like at 11am and said hi to Sam and then I like fell back alseep until 12:30 or so. Then I talked to Sam some more until like 2:30, then I wrote in this journal here yeah....

So to Sam and Tee-o ;-) thanks for todays Chinese learning lesson MWAH to both yas!

July 14th 2002: Then I ate some food and shit then I talked to Sam about lots of like stuff, and about that dickweed kid that I wanna fucking smack in the face a lot...So then we talked for like 4-5 hours and I worked on the site for a loooong time.

Sam you muh best bud-eeee LUV YOU LOADS! I have Dreams! Wo ai ni!

July 15th 2002: I started off by talking to Sam until she got off cause of some dickweed I won't mention any names though, and don't ask me either. OK well then I vacuumed downstairs and then I came back up and talked to Sam again and then she went to slept so I played some Half Life for a while.

OK so then around 10pm Sam came back on after sleeping! I was so very happy! I also wrote her 2 rad emails and shit....Ok so then I talked to her for like ever and ever and I am still talking to her if she comes back from re-booting her computer...la la la GO FASTER SAM!!!! hehe

So I told her some shit about how I feel and all and ya know I think I might (keyword there is MIGHT) be falling for her

......DONT ASK ME ABOUT THAT I will only warn you!

Ok finally Sam is back after like 30 yrs lol So anyways EHO is just great now we have lots of people joining each day and its fucking awesome!

Sam's Song

so Sam showed me this song.....that will concludes tonights entry and I dont think theree will be one for a few days because I wont be here sorry!
When I am lost
You shine a light for me and set me free
When I am low
You wash away my tears
And take me through

The loneliness
And emptiness
Through the darkest night
Somehow I survive
Through it all

When you tell me I'm the only one you need
Sweet and tenderly
And your love
Breaks away the clouds surrounding me
All I have I want to give to thee

If I should fall
Your love is strong enough to life me up
If I'm afraid
You chase away my fears
And take me to

A brighter place
Beyond the rain
And I feel alright
Because you're by my side
Through it all

When you tell me I'm the only one you need
Sweet and tenderly
And your love
Breaks away the clouds surrounding me
All I have I want to give to thee

You take me through
The loneliness and emptiness
And I feel alright
'Cause you're by my side

Through it all
You tell me I'm the only one you need
Sweet and tenderly
And your love
Just breaks away the clouds surrounding me
And baby all I have I want to give to thee

Want to give you all of my love
Now and forever my love
All I have I want to give to thee

July 17th 2002: Ummm then I came home and talked to Sam to figure some shit out....lots a weird shit happend so we talked about that and then some personal shit and then she had to go to the office and so i had to get fucking shitty MSN so I could talk to her lol, good thing i like her hehehe Anyways I just finsished talking to her for the nght and I think its time to sleep.

July 18th 2002: So I talked to Sam before she went to sleep before doing anything with my website, that didnt go to well, she wasnt happy or nothing.....Grrrr I fucking hate when that happens...kinda seems like a majority of the time too cause of that fucking cockweed thing.....don't ask. So then she went to sleepy and I started the work!

Ok well I think I will just talk to Sam tonight...

July 19th 2002: I talked to Sam somemore, but she wasn't really feeling all that well so we didnt chat long, we kinda just made "passwords" or something.

So Sam is still in a bad mood which fucking sucks ass....I wish things could go back to the way they were before, it fucking sucks ass

July 21st 2002: .Sam no Sam :-( This is crappy. I miss her a ton. And I dont know where she is either and it fucking sucks ass.

Ok since Sam isnt on I think I am going to bed.....see ya all later!

July 22nd 2002: Hey kidz! How are we all doing?!? I am quite well over here. I woke up this morning to someone's phone call. Just amazing. But thats ok cause the caller kicked ass, and I was very happy.

...and I got to chat with Sam and that was mega fun so I think I am going to go talk to her some more and go sleepy...

July 23rd 2002: The bad news is I won't be talking to Sam for a possible 7 months because her phone bill came in and it was priced at $1000.00 US Dollars which fucking sucks. Her dad took away the phone and computer and won't let her do anything till she pays back the money. So that kinda really fucking sucks poopS. I will miss her a lot. And then actually yesturday I got in like a dual hour fight with her about some fucking shit, fortunatly we fixed everything so I could leave her and know we are still best buddys, so I am happy about that.

Then I came home around 12pm today and Sam had left me some IMs ooooo soo good hehe

July 25th 2002: I talked to SAM, WHICH KICKED ASS!!!! I miss her tonz and tonz! And It was just great talking to her!

July 26th 2002: But then I got to talk to SAM and I was soo soooo sooo happy. I got 12 BRAND NEW pix and they are just oh so cool! hehe Well then she had to go because he dad was getting mad and stuff.

hehhe I got to talk to Sam today which was really cool, we chatted for a couple hours. I got some more pix and shit and that was cool and shit. I can't believe I am on a 56k right now.

August 2nd 2002: I talked to Sam for a while before like in the morning. I got some more pix I think but I can't quite remember…lol So then I said my goodbye to her...

This is the hairstyle I wanted Sam to have. The one Kelly has in this movie.

I got my emails from Ari and my bestest in the world SAM!!! Oh I miss her so so so so much and I cant wait to talk to her. I luv you Sam!

August 4th 2002: Well I am online once again. I finnaly got to talk to SAM!!!! I miss her so so much but it was good talking to her and I luv her so much! Then she had to go sleepy so I just went and watched some TV.

Anyways then Sam left me actually they all left me boo hoo so I think I am going to go program and dickaround.....I HATE 56k!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!

August 7th 2002: I talked to Sam for a while then we got into a fight about something so dumb I can't even remember what it was about! So I just fucking left.

Then around 9pm we headed home, I got on AIM chatted it up with Sam, fixed shit with her, gunna try some flavored shizzznit lol

So that means I go talk to Sam some more and then sleep at 2:30am Goodnight kidz, luv ya !!!

August 10th 2002: Ok anyways I really miss Sam...

Ok well I am so fucking tired and shit and SAM needs to get online cause I wanna talk to her...

August 11th 2002: Hey people, got up today, talked to Sam for a bit online then like it was 12:00pm and I was still like in my sleeping wear...

7:00pm I came home and I chatted online with Sam...

August 12th 2002: ...er cause she had to go sleepy and then I talked to Sam...

ok well I am still talking to her cause Sam had to go to the office for a bit...

August 16th 2002: I talked to Sam...

August 19th 2002: So anyways yeah I chatted with Sam last night and that kicked. She is getting me all these fucking awesome DVD's and its so fucking cheap, damn I love it!

August 24th 2002: ...and look how nice Sam sent me an ECard...yay, I'll go read it right now, ohhhhh it was a very nice card hehe

August 28th 2002: So thats about itr, just talking to Sam...

September 2nd 2002: Then I used my microphone that came with SOCOM with Sam and we chatted for a bit...

September 7th 2002: So then I got back on video confrencing with Sam and I got to hear her hott ass voice again! And She could see me now! So we did that for a while. I heard her dad screaming at her, which was kinda scary!

September 8th 2002: I saw that Sam was on so we decided to Video Chat. We talked for 7 fucking hours....till like 3 fucking PM. Holy shit it was fun though. I did some other stuff while chatting with her too.

September 13th 2002: talked with Sam! I miss her tonz! Then I think I might wait like 5 more minutes to see if she will fucking come back yet..

September 14th 2002: I chatted with Sam...

Then I chatted some more with Sam...

September 15th 2002: ...chatted with Sam...

September 17th 2002: ...and my babe SAM!!!

September 22nd 2002: I chatted with Sam for a bit, she said she will have a camera by Wednesday, which will kick ass.

October 6th 2002: So then I came online said Hi to Sam...

October 19th 2002: Oh yeah I got an IM from Sam, I was very happy when she IMed me hehe....

November 2nd 2002: I got my DVD from Sammy finally! It was Red Dragon, the new Hannibal Lecter movie ya know! So I just made sure it worked in my PS2 of which it does! So I wrote Sam a nice email and I have to get some money to send her for more DVD's and stuff...but thats shouldn't take too long. Umm ok so then I chatted with Sammy online actually before I found the DVD on the dinner table..

Novamber 4th 2002: P.S. I am still trying to get Sam's stuff back to her and I am also writing Tricks and Tips for Windows!!! Look for it soon!

December 3rd 2002: Hey, talked to Sam today, I clicked on her Friends list and some weird person showed up along with me, who the fuck is the onther person I wonder??

Febuary 14th 2003: So I am just talking to Sammy right now

April 16th 2003: Hey....I made another entry but only FRIENDS are allowed to view it meaning, the only one that can see it right now is Sam and she's in China....it's was kinda personal..

May 1st 2003: and I talked to Sammy today. It was fucking cool....she's fucking awesome tooooo!

July 1st 2003: Then around 11 or something my oh so sexy SAMMY and I finally talked after like a couple months! It was so so soooooo nice to talk to her again! It's the summer! Time to stay up all night and talk to her, I go on China time haha Sleep durning my day and I'm up all night with her. So yeah we talked and still are talking right now....OMFGZ I love her so much, she's the best. hehe

July 5th 2003: said HI to Sammy today, but no responses.

November 10th 2003: I think I might email keainuhai too cause I wub her lots...

NOvember 16th 2003: I miss [info]keainuhai and I can't remember her email address....although I would check on DJ since it's there, haha yeah that's what I will do...

November 22nd 2003: Talked a lot with keainuhai today. probably 8 hours in total. but hey we always talk that long if not, then longer...

November 28thth 2003: I also got an email from [info]keainuhai this morning. She said she got a cam but no software, so I gotta help her with that tonight. Hopefiully tonight we can both us our cams and chat, oh JOY!!!

December 17th 2003: This is shit....Sammy needs to come home right fucking now before I die...that's all...goodnight :'(

December 23rd 2003: All you need to know is that Sammy ( keainuhai ) is LIKE WHOAAAAA, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

December 28th 2003: I gotta get on thr IM with keainuhai I LOVE HER!!!!!!!

January 10th 2004: Dear Samantha,

I love you, please come home.

Love Always,

Jimmy xoxox

January 14th 2004: keainuhai left me some IMs saying she has a good chance of coming home which is super YAY in the pants...?? Yup...LOL

January 22nd 2004: I loveee keainuhai She's the bestest in the whole wide world.

I talked to samantha last night it was great. She gets me all hott and horny hahaha

January 24th 2004: Well, I've just been chatting with keainuhai for the past like 36 hours Haha God I love her so much. I really wish she lived here, or I got to know her before she left me :'( Anyways, she seems kinda too busy for me now and stuff. So I might just go to sleep or something and harass her when I wake up or something.

January 25th 2004: Well you see I am in love with this girl. The thing is she lives across the world :( I told her I wanted to make our relationship something more. But I am unsure of what more is...I would do just about anything for her too. We talk all the time and we're always laughing and having fun. I can't stop smiling when I see her, she always makes me happy no matter what. I would like to be b/f g/f but doesn't that seem unreasonable? She's only like 8000 miles away :'( I wish I had someone to call my own, someone to always be there for, someone to talk to whenever about whatever...

Can't you see that i wanna be there with open arms
It's empty tonight and i'm all alone
Get me through this one
Do you notice i'm gone?
Where do you run to so far away?
I want you to know that I miss you I miss you so
I want you to know that I miss you I miss you so
I'm writing again these letters to you on much I know
But i'm not sleeping and you're not here
The thought stops my heart
No more looking i've found her
I'm gone away...

January 26th 2004: OMG I had the bestest and somewhat most serious talk with [info]keainuhai last night and this morning. We just kinda told eachother how we felt. And it was great! It was nice to see her understand me and for me to understand her and everything. She's the bestest friend I could ever ask for <3 So this morning I got an email from her and it was really nice and all and it made me really happy ^.^ So as always we webcam'ed it up hehe Time for her to loose some layers haha I GO YOU GO!!!! Hehehe So we chatted for an hour or so, then I had class...and nothing else very special since then. Just got a few hours until she wakes up, then I can bother her some more :)

Love you Samantha <333 xoxoox

July 16th 2004: I was just reading through the last like 5 entries and they all mentioned Sammy, it's funny...cause when I wrote those I had no idea about anything. She's here, she's in my arms under the night sky. We're having the best time ever. SHE'S HOME. woohoo! Trust me, wishing on a shooting star or 3 for that matter....it works.

Samantha, you are the bestest, I luv you lots :)

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