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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-07-06 20:38:00

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Well, today is Tuesday, I think. Correct me if I am wrong, I have no concept of time :) Anyways, woke up today, tiger.dmg was sitting on my hard drive! So I preceeded to bother Morgan, although she hadn't gotten it yet so I waited and finally she got it! So we installed, took some screenies and chose the ones we enjoyed. You can see my screenshots and impression here:

Morgan's website might have some of her stuff:

Anyways, it's a heck of a lot later in the day then I thought it was, something like 4:30pm...eeep! Nothing much else been going on, Slean Machine stopped by today, quick hello since he was off to grab lunch with JOE and Lindsey. That's nice. Nothing going on today, going to try to grab a couple movies since I've seen everything I have...that'd be nice to have something to watch tonight. Some stupid person on MSN keeps IMing me with "IS SCENE JOURNAL COMING BACK?!" Read the damn site you dumb bitch. How hard is it...?!

I talked to Megan yesturday...wow, she's weird. Not weird bad, weird good I suppose. She got a car, is working a lot...does who knows what else...blah blah blah, I'll see if we can hang out soon, but knowing me I'll probably never see her again for the rest of my life :P Talked to me oh so sexy wife too. Now that's fun :) She's still chillin at home since grannyma hasn't come home from the hospital...more time to talk to me then :)

Haha Ok, well that's about all for now, taa taa people :)

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