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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2002-11-05 23:40:00

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Link 80 DAMN YOU!
Hello people! Same damn thing I did yesturday I did today! How fun. me and Stef had lots of fun in Study Hall lol Umm not much happened after skool, got to talk with Kai Kai again on the bus. Ummm I got in, found that the fucking skool had mailed home my write-up so I kinda hid that away for a rainey day! Ummm then I attempted to make a t-shirt whicgh came out as a disaster....so I think I might go shopping for shit this weekend if my mom will take me! I hope she can! Umm so then I looked online and really didn't do much after skool today! Now I am doing some homework and thats probably all it will be for the rest of the night. Gunna chat with some people, work on my Tricks and Tips for Windows cause I get bored. Everyone have a great night, see y'all later!!


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