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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-01-03 21:51:00

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Ta, chi, tsu, te, to
Decent day today. Got to go in late since FedEx insisted on having my signature on the Lacie 500GB drive. Got in around 11:15am. Mostly worked on XHTML stuff.

I did get Account Type to show up under everyones profiles. So if you look at your profile pages you'll see the Account Type now shows up. Working on getting a few more account types, mostly ones that have more userpics so people can purchase that.

Almost done with round 1 on [info]usernames, which is nice. Only 2 hours and 10 minutes left.

I watched Eurotrip with [info]emilie tonight. I also watch the Mexico episode of Viva La Bam while riding my bike tonight. HIlarious.

I gotta get my Wii back from Kat and Keith, I need to keep working on Super Paper Mario.

[info]makkintosshu had a peek at the script that gathers all the non-activated accounts. He said it should be okay, but I'm definitely going to keep an eye on MySQL when I run it next time.

I think I am going to go play a little World of Warcraft!

Oh yeah, I am also looking for some new friends, don't be shy! I can definitely be a comment whore...although with the way Scribblds been going I've been really busy, so don't yell at me if I don't always make comments!

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2008-01-04 06:17 pm UTC (link)
Wow, you are doing an awesome job with the site!
I love world of warcraft I'm completely hooked. I have a level 46 draenai paladin called chieko on the outland server (EU)
I also have a human mage called Sierrya on Outland (EU) (level 31)
and an undead mage on Lightbringer (EU) named arectisa (level 24)

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2008-01-06 06:17 am UTC (link)
I love world of warcraft! I'm level 62 night elf druid called barlong on durton server.

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