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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-04-01 12:35:00

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Crazy Crazy
Well, my subject says the least. It's been very stressful and hectic for me over the last week or so. I've been having some issues at work and with [info]emilie but at least I've fixed things with her and we're doing much better. I don't really want to get into many details, but it's good to know I think we're going to be okay.

At work, I had a meeting with a few of my many managers, what a pain...anyways, as part of the retail job, they also want me to work on the phones...for the same pay...stupid. In the meeting one of the managers said that I'd have a week to decide what i wanted to do (work the phones and the store OR just end it there).

I really did give it a lot of thought, actually a 'un-named' publisher came to me and wanted me to write a book, the Mac OS X Leopard Server Bible to specific. Unfortunately after looking through all their guidelines and such I decdicded that I couldn't do it, nor did I want to, at least not for them. I am still thinking about writing the book, but on my own time and it'll be published using Lulu.com. So anyways...fast-forward to yesterday.

I had another meeting, this time with even more managers, and basically in a nutshell they told me after 4 years of busting ass and getting paid shitty, that I was unacceptable and that they wanted even more out of me. I personally can only take so much bullshit, so I basically told them to screw off in a nice way. Enough is enough.

I've been in talks with one of the better known Apple consultants here in Vermont and he was asking me last week how much money it would take to get me away from Small Dog Electronics to work for him. He's actually looking for someone to talk over the business so he can move out to Colorado, so that's very exciting for me and I'm really hoping I can work with him. That's really what I love doing, consulting.

So even though I am unemployed right now, I can definitely manage, and so long as I get a job soon, we'll be okay. I've always got things to sell should things go bad, but I have a feeling it'll all be okay.

Today I am getting a lot of our laundry done and then I am going to go back to the apartment and get the dishes done and then I'll hopefully be able to finish up the OS X Leopard Server Essentials book.

Keith is coming over tonight. Emilie is going to snag us some pizza for dinner too. I am not sure if we're going to have game night or if Keith and I are just going to play split-screen or something. That also means I've got to move the bed back to a couch position and move the top futon into the other room.

I've really got to start studying Japanese again, I'll make myself write all the characters I know a bunch of times.

Emilie and I watched some more Azumanga Diaoh. It's pretty funny, although I am not sure if she really likes it.

Tomorrow, I am not sure what I am doing, I have to meet with my Mom in the morning, but then I am free for the rest of the day. Definitely going to be looking at getting a job with Apple, probably working at the Genius Bar or something.

I also cleaned up my friends list and removed some of the drama people and people who don't comment. If you're able to read this, you're still on my list :) Woot.

PS. For some reason this didn't post because Unicode::CheckUTF8 wasn't installed. I had re-done scribbld1 so I could get workers working properly and it didn't really seem to care that I didn't have that Perl module installed. But apparently it does care haha So now it's installed and scribbld1 should be working fine now.

Thank you for auto-saving, I would have been so pissed if I had lost this entry.

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2008-04-01 08:18 pm UTC (link)
I'm glad you and [info]emilie are ok :) it deffinatly sounds like it's been all go with you!

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2008-04-01 08:23 pm UTC (link)
Yeah, hehe thanks :) She's pretty much my everything so I can't screw it up haha

It definitely has been all go go go with me lately. I am starting to get pretty worn out...but I know I need to kick even more ass...and now not having a job makes me want to get an even better one, I love the work I do, just not for that company...and I love all my little side projects, especially Scribbld ^____^

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2008-04-01 10:02 pm UTC (link)

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2008-04-01 10:11 pm UTC (link)
Haha thanks ;)

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2008-04-01 10:01 pm UTC (link)
aww ♥
You're lucky life is really slow here which is disappointing.
I love working too im too efficient at work they tell me haha :D
I'm sure everyone here at scribbld appreciates the work you put in :D

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2008-04-01 10:12 pm UTC (link)
I think that's what SDE thought too, I was doing my job too well and they didn't want to pay me cause they're cheap bastards...haha

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2008-04-01 11:32 pm UTC (link)
hahahaha I hope i don't get sacked too then i'll slack off more in future :D

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2008-04-02 03:17 am UTC (link)
Hullo! New user! :D

Azumanga Daioh is a great little series! I have the books and the DVDs...if you enjoy it, I strongly suggest the manga Yotsuba&! by Kiyohiko Azuma. It never fails to get me to giggle, no matter how bad I might be feeling. :)

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2008-04-02 02:36 pm UTC (link)
Yeah definitely! I thought about getting that really big big book. I will definitely keep my eye out for that manga! I love recommendations!

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2008-04-02 03:40 pm UTC (link)
Yay, I helped! :D

And kudos for the Cloud + Tifa icons!

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2008-04-03 01:04 am UTC (link)
Hehe, I <3 Final Fantasy :)

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2008-04-02 06:23 pm UTC (link)
rofl, omg, that would have been so hilarious if your entry hadn't been saved. not for you. but...for me. :) lol, i only care about my own amusement...thats so sad.

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2008-04-03 01:04 am UTC (link)
Haha, arrgh, you are so evil!!

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2008-04-03 01:58 am UTC (link)
haha, i know! isn't it great?

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2008-04-03 02:09 pm UTC (link)
Welllllll, yeah :D

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2008-04-07 10:28 pm UTC (link)
Woot ... too!!!

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