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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-06-13 08:28:00

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Current mood: sad

Jason Green R.I.P
I was just looking on my old dorm buddies FaceBook because I thought something wasn't right.

Back in 2004 I was attending Wentworth Institute of Technology (Boston, MA) and it was pretty fun, minus having to do core classes. Anyways, our dorm rooms were like 3-4 rooms per "unit" so it was really neat. Jason wasn't my roommate, but we were all good friends. I really enjoy being around those guys. Last year in April he was in a car accident and was unfortunately killed. I just figured it out this morning though. One of my other dorm-mates left a message on his FaceBook profile saying he missed him, I figured it was just because of the summer break up or something, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then I was randomly browsing people's profiles on Facebook and I was reading some of the other people's messages on his wall and some of them were like, oh we miss you, again, I didn't think anything out of the ordinary. Then a couple of them were like rest in peace, so I got a real bad feeling. Unfortunately, I don't keep in very good contact with my dorm-mates but after looking around on Google, I found this story.

In New Hampshire, two people were killed in traffic accidents during the storm. Hooksett Police said Jason Green, 21, of Hooksett, died Thursday from injuries suffered in a collision on Wednesday.

Very very sad news. I am not sure there's much else I have to say. He was definitely a good friend to me when I was there, and he never did anything wrong or bad, an all around good person.

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