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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2008-09-29 20:34:00

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Current music:Underoath - Created Void | Scrobbled by Last.fm
Entry tags:coding, consulting, horseback riding, web design, work, world of warcraft

Insanely Busy!
As usual, I've been incredibly busy...and when i do have a moment the last thing on my mind is updating Scribbld, so I must apologize to my poor site! I've been working on getting a full time job although I am starting to have second thoughts about it, mostly because I love and enjoy consulting far to much to give it up entirely...so either the people who want to hire me full time need to pay me at least what I would be making consulting or it's just not going to happen...half of me wants it to happen, half doesn't. I mean taking classes for free, benefits are all amazing, but does that compare to the freedom I have when I consult? It's very hard.

Been trying to do as much horse stuff as I can whenever I've got a free moment. I really need to get better about that and not spend so much time on the computers, it's terrible.

[info]morgan and I have been working on a new World of Warcraft server which is now up and running. You can visit this site for more information. I've not had time to re-create my character, hopefully [info]emilie isn't to mad that we wiped the database -- I know she had a few characters setup and we did have our Blood elves.

There's some idiot on #lobby now...

Keith and I are still trying to get paid by YellowSteel, it's really a pain in the ass...I am thinking we're definitely going to re-work how we setup consulting jobs...a lesson learned.

I've got the new Underoath album, I can't stop listening to that, the new Anberlin and The Academy Is...albums. They're absolutely amazing.

[info]raf I added you as a friend :) Morgan says you've got some pretty elite skills.

Not much else to write about at the moment.

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