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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-01-01 04:20:00

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sorry to bother you..
2009-01-01 08:26 pm UTC (link)
but i was wanting to know more about doing the web designing that was mentioned in the previous post at news. i'm not really sure to go about it though, mainly because i don't know what sort of coding scribbld is built upon, if that makes ANY sense at all?

secondly, you might have seen me around scribbld.. (i mean i own like.. 15 communities haha) & i'd like to introduce myself. i'm tara, 21 on jan 18th, & i love this site. :] i'm really into graphics & such so if you ever need any - let me know! also i'd like to ask if you could put a couple of my communities on the home page? like in that section that says, "If you're looking to make some new friends head over to addme. Boss make your day miserable, boyfriend/girlfriend cheat on you, bitch them out - bitchbook. Maybe someone.." etc. Like I have a community named tutorials, which features tutorials from everywhere on scribbld, & new tutorials that I've made. It's mostly on graphics but there are a few layouts links. There's more:

iconseeyou - graphic awards
inspiring - post things that inspire you each day (quotes, pictures, etc)
lookingoodbb - a health community for people that want to lose or gain or maintain their weight.
screencaps - post screen captures of movies & such.

etc, etc. of course i'm not requesting you add all of though or even one, it wouldn't hurt my feelings, i just wanna help people. i've made a lot of communities for people since i've been here. i'm probably boring you by now so i'll talk to you later (i hope). oh yeah, my suggestion on which scribbldsuggest thing to do first? is hit counters. people joined greatestjournal just for the hit counter (because it meant you could change your userinfo's colors). so if you make the hit counter able to adjust the userinfo's colors/font/etc, people would LOVE IT. :]

also, i tried sending that as a PM but your privacy options blocked it. :[

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Re: sorry to bother you..
2009-01-01 08:28 pm UTC (link)

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Re: sorry to bother you..
2009-01-02 03:58 am UTC (link)
Hi Tara,

We use normal HTML (valid XHTML) and CSS on Scribbld so it's nothing crazy. There are some special bits of code that get called upon to show news on the home page for example...or the top users & communities, but beyond that it's just simple HTML and CSS. All the actual content it pulled in from either the database or language files, but it's not something the designer should worry about too much. Just getting the design is good. We'll insert the content and stuff.

It might be worth putting your communities on the Support pages, I think that would be a proper place for them.

Might you have any examples of GJ pages with the hit counter installed? Or might you have access to their code base for the hit counter? That would be even better so we wouldn't have to start from scratch!

Thanks for your interest!

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Re: sorry to bother you..
2009-01-02 05:42 am UTC (link)
yeah i can get you anything you need from greatestjournal (as long as i'm able to read the source coding & such). here's one example: http://www.greatestjournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=eatflesh
2: http://www.greatestjournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=sushis
this is the page in which you'd change all of the hit counter info on: http://www.greatestjournal.com/manage/viewonline.bml
here's two screenshots of that page (because i don't think you can access them):

okay that's a relief about the css & stuff. i'll work on at least one new design for scribbld. :] thanks for responding!

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