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Ally «my eyes are on you yeah» ([info]kickawesome) wrote,
@ 2008-03-26 21:06:00

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Entry tags:meme

[Meme] from...people
Name any character of mine, and I'll tell you three bad things about them. Not cutesy little flaws either, actual despicable traits that they should be ashamed of.

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2008-03-27 03:09 am UTC (link)
Elphias and Sturgis! Order Menz! oh and Abe I guess XD

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Sturgis Podmore
2008-03-27 06:54 am UTC (link)
1. Too obligated. He's militant in his work to a point that he's unable to function in any sort of relationship, romantic or otherwise, because he simply doesn't have the time or the willingness to make the time. He'll likely lose touch with many of the people he loves because of it.
2. Passive sexist. It's not in a directly bigoted, woman-hating way (obviously) but completely passive in that his chivalrous tendency routinely overrides his better judgment. He's going to come to the defense of woman he views as being attacked (physically or verbally) regardless of whether she actually needs the help.
3. Overly earnest. It's no secret that he can have a hard time taking a joke or letting his hair down for even ten minutes. It's something he struggles with. His Hogwarts-self was a class clown compared to what he's become in the last year.

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2008-03-27 03:12 am UTC (link)

John, duh.

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John Mulciber
2008-03-27 07:28 am UTC (link)
1. Bigotry. It's not just his intolerance towards blood traitors, Muggles, and the like that's bad, it's the ardent passion that John puts into his hate. He will kill another man simply for their origin or orientation and he thinks it's no more than they deserve.
2. Poor anger management. (Understatement of the year.) John has no anger management. He blazes a warpath and explodes. Aggression, violence, cruelty, self-depravity - none are healthy but all are ways he deals with his temper. He causes others pain to cope with his own, but it actually has yet to truly soothe him.
3. Stubborn pride. John thinks very highly of himself and his family. He does not respond well when their integrity is challenged and it is generally impossible to win argument with him. "Concede" isn't in his vocabulary. Neither are apologies.

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2008-03-27 04:06 am UTC (link)


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Rodolphus Lestrange
2008-03-27 07:55 am UTC (link)
1. Insufferable apathy. He doesn't care about TEH CAUSE. He doesn't care about pleasing his Master. He doesn't care that his wife worships another man's feet. He doesn't care about his victims, nor does he care if he gets caught. He doesn't even care what he eats. He just. Doesn't. Care.
2. Lasting grudges. If you somehow DO manage to piss him off though, don't expect him to get over it anytime soon. Rodolphus has grudges and threads of hate that go all the way back to childhood and he'll probably carry them to the grave. He's also very likely to seek retribution whenever the subject of hate crosses his path once again. Here's looking at you, Nicholas Hooke.
3. Sadism. Causing pain is an absolute aphrodisiac for Rodolphus. He doesn't get giddy, but is frighteningly calm when performing torture. Quick kills are avoided unless the situation mandates he be timely. Death is like foreplay. The hunt and the victim's agony are truly what thrills him.

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2008-03-27 07:20 am UTC (link)
Harmony and Prisca!

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Prisca Pucey
2008-03-27 08:31 am UTC (link)
1. Vindictive. Prisca Pucey is not a woman you want to anger. She never forgives. She doesn't even get even. Prisca goes for the kill. If she feels that she, her family, or a close friend have been wrong in anyway, she will strive to make the perpetrator's life a living hell. You can count on it.
2. Prone to jealousy. Prisca is a possessive, attention-seeking, dominant individual. She can and will manipulate others into giving her what she wants and if that want goes to someone else there will be hell to pay. On general principle, she dislikes the friends of significant other and outright loathes any and all female friends they may have. Whether or not she's actually met these friends is of no matter. She'll hate them from jump.
3. Narcissism. With one look at Prisca, others can generally tell that she's a vain creature. From her over-the-top wardrobe to her lofty gate to her conceited attitude - her haughtiness is painfully apparent. She expects attention because she believes that everyone wants to be her and despises being ignored.

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