[Meme] Babies Everywhere!

  • Sep. 30th, 2012 at 10:59 AM
Sometimes I get the itch to do certain flavors! This time's theme is:


Pick one of my characters and I'll write about them and a child/baby! They'll either go on their flavor page, or the Hogwarts 100 table. :)

Make sure to list other characters you might want involved!

[Meme] stolen from chalk @ IJ

  • Jul. 4th, 2011 at 7:51 PM
sarah (8)
Choose one or more characters of mine, and I will use the Polyvore App to create an outfit they would wear on any given day. (Or, conversely, specify a special event/day and I will make an outfit based around that! For example, a wedding or a funeral.) Be warned, though, that I cannot be held liable for any sort of eye-bleeding their fashion choices cause. ;)


Give me a character or a child of a character and I will write a drabble about them at the time of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Pick from these lists )

[Meme] I like this one...

  • May. 31st, 2011 at 7:18 PM
taryn (9)
1. Put your iTunes or iPod on shuffle.
2. Pick your favorite lyric OR the first line from the first 20 songs and list them.
3. Have people give you a character or pairing to relate to each lyric and write a drabble.

Sing with me! Sing for the year! Sing for the laughter! Sing for the tears! )


From Cristina!

  • Mar. 4th, 2011 at 10:45 AM
Give me a pairing, and I'll write a short blurb/drabble of the thoughts that went through my character's head when they saw their otp (or someone else they'd been with!) for the first time ♥


Feb. 20th, 2011

  • 8:31 PM
valesco (5)
1. Put your iTunes or iPod on shuffle.
2. Pick your favorite lyric OR the first line from the first 20 songs and list them.
3. Have people give you a character or pairing to relate to each lyric and write a drabble.
4. (Optional) Have people guess the songs. No cheating!

Sing it for the boys! Sing it for the girls! )


[Meme] THE KIDS!

  • Dec. 15th, 2010 at 10:23 PM

Name one of my characters' children (Part 1, Part 2) and none or more of your characters' children, and I will write a drabble featuring them. If you have a specific child or prompt in mind, include that, too.

"/" = shipping and "+" = general fic


[Meme]To wake up the muses...

  • Dec. 7th, 2010 at 12:20 AM
channing (13)
You give me a pairing (or just one character) and a color, and I'll give you a sentence.


[Fic] Kiss Bingo!

  • Jul. 13th, 2010 at 4:33 PM
Kiss Bingo )

Choose characters or future kids for kisses! Any pairing! Past, present, or future! Doesn't necessarily have to be Valesco!


[Meme] From Cristina!

  • Jun. 24th, 2010 at 5:45 PM
jeremie (15)
Pick one of my characters and one of yours (you guys know how these work!) and I'll write a little drabble about them as if they were muggles, meeting in another timeline. Should be interesting! Siblings, friends, lovers, enemies, they're all welcome!


[Meme] 25 Summer Fics

  • Jun. 10th, 2010 at 9:05 PM
Give me a character, choose a prompt, and I'll write a summer-themed drabble within the next month...

01. Goodbye
02. Sundown
03. Blue skies
04. Broken wing
05. High octane
06. Silver and gold
07. Too good to be true
08. Tangled and dark
09. Best served cold
10. Running on empty
11. Slow hand
12. Double vision
13. Paradise
14. In the dark
15. Personal space
16. Stormy weather
17. Wax paper
18. Sentimental journey
19. Perfect balance
20. No worries
21. Chasing the wind
22. Blown away
23. Crusade
24. In chaos
25. Rising tide

Once a character and prompt are chosen, they can't be picked again (for my sanity), so choose wisely!

Prompts taken from 5sentence_fics@LJ

[Meme] Kiddies!

  • Apr. 8th, 2010 at 8:03 PM
Name one of my characters' children (Part 1, Part 2) and none or more of your characters' children, and I will write a drabble featuring them. If you have a specific child or prompt in mind, include that, too.

"/" = shipping and "+" = general fic
I have 166 (STFU I'M AT WORK SO I DON'T HAVE MUCH) songs in my iTunes library. Pick a number and a character pairing (mine/yours) and I'll write a drabble based on the title of the track of the corresponding number.



  • Mar. 18th, 2010 at 10:36 AM
jeremie (5)
Ship any of my characters, past or present, with one of your characters that my character has never shipped with and perhaps you've wondered what would could have been. Even if it means one or both of our characters needs to switch which team their batting for. If you put a slash in it, I'll write it.


[Meme] from ME

  • Jan. 5th, 2010 at 3:36 PM
Name one of my characters' children and none or more of your characters' children, and I will write a drabble featuring them. If you have a specific child or prompt in mind, include that, too.

"/" = shipping and "+" = general fic

My Children (I still need to add Zora and Fredrick's lists to this page.)


[Meme] Kisses!

  • Dec. 27th, 2009 at 9:10 PM
Give me a pairing, and I'll give you their first kiss! If it happened in game, I'll...figure something out! Doesn't have to be OTPS



  • Nov. 16th, 2009 at 9:27 PM
Do any of my characters have distinctive catchphrases/ways of speaking/writing? If so, which ones would you associate with them? Do you think any of them overlap?


[Meme] stolen from Cristina

  • Sep. 16th, 2009 at 11:07 AM
kris/katy 1
Give me a pairing, and I'll give you their first kiss! If it happened in game, I'll...figure something out! Doesn't have to be OTPS!



Ally «my eyes are on you yeah»

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