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Ally «my eyes are on you yeah» ([info]kickawesome) wrote,
@ 2008-10-04 11:24:00

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Current mood: ditzy
Entry tags:rp: valesco

[Valesco] Marriages...
I just realized that I have NO IDEA when the majority of my married BBs tied the knot and which ones should be WORRIED/PISSED right now.

And I figure this would be good to have for future reference? IDK. I never really made 'ship info list before because...well, I'm a boy. Or something.


Character Bloodline Spouse Bloodline Wedding Date
Brand Kirke Halfblood Julia (nee Jones) Halfblood ??.??.????
Rafe Kirke Halfblood Erin (nee Jugson) Halfblood 05.09.1979
Greer Kirkham Pureblood Olivia (nee O'Leary) Muggleborn 12.07.1975
Rodolphus Lestrange Pureblood Bellatrix (nee Black) Pureblood 27.03.1978
Johnathon Mulciber Pureblood Matilda (nee Rowle) Pureblood 19.01.1979
Belise (nee de Witt) Muggleborn Jude Wickham Pureblood ??.??.????

Give me some help filling this in, please? ♥

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2008-10-05 12:14 am UTC (link)
That is a good impression of an Erin ;]

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2008-10-05 12:16 am UTC (link)
I KNOW, very good. Jus' helpin out. that's the only one I knew.

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