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Now she's left cleaning up the mess he made.
i'm out on the edge of forever, ready to run.
South Texas? Is HOT! And the mosquitoes, gross. But I'm having a great time, I love my family! My cousin's graduation was great. Lots of laughs and tears and fun. We're doing it, we're actually growing up. It's scary yet a blast....like a rollercoaster. :)

Last night we chilled out at my aunt's house, eating pizza & talking, laughing til late. So much fun. Now i'm at the hospital with my grandma & some more family. My grandma's 84, and had been very sick, almost dying several times but she's doing a lot better now. Where she's at now is a rehab hospital, she does therapy everyday, and is doing well.

From where i'm sitting, outside her big window in the hospital room is a fitness center with a waterpark, palm trees, etc. Being here in almost 100 degree weather & watching that is torture! Haha. But only members can use it. Less than a week though and I'll be in San Antonio at a waterpark. I'm so excited! I looked it up on the internet and they have like, 'beaches' with sand, palm trees and everything. I'm super pumped for that, even if it's a fake beach, it's still a beach. I live at least 6 hours from the nearest beach and have been DYING to go! I'll definitely be posting pictures when I get back.


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story of a girl
June 2009