True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Happy Valentine's Day!! @ 09:30 am

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Looks Like We Made It - Barry Manilow

We did our last week. But I just realized, I forgot to give him his card this morning. *forehead smack*

I have an excuse. I was really, really tired. *wicked grin* And the man shaved his beard down to a goatee for me, because I like 'em and he was willing to try it out. O_O He looks GOOD to me, yummy....yeah, I'm TIRED. :D


When you're online, you're the life of the party.

You always have a silly link to share or a new emoticon that you've discovered.

You're always up for chatting, and you respond to your friends' messages right away.

You're not just laughing out loud with friends online... you're rolling on the floor laughing!

Well, what do you think? That fit me?

Food. Then swimming lessons. Roy had to work, but we're out to poker tonight, yay!

Yessss.... @ 01:26 pm

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Goodbye Gatsby - David Soul

Holmes and Watson. Oh, yes. S&H fans, does this bit of quotation by Jude Law sound familiar?

"I knew enough about Sherlock Holmes to know that there was a lot of unchartered material," Jude Law said of the script. "I knew [Downey's casting] was going to be something exciting, and therefore the project was going to be something exciting. And as soon as I met him, we got on very well — which is a good sign — and we both agreed that we wanted to really make this a piece about the relationship between Watson and Holmes."

"I think the word bromance is so passé," Downey grinned. "We are two men who happen to be roommates who wrestle a lot and share a bed.

"No," Downey laughed. "To me, the great win in our depiction of Sherlock Holmes is Jude Law's Watson, [who is] much more right from the book. He's had a military career, a decorated soldier, a serious doctor, a bit of a womanizer, a bit of a gambler. And I think that makes him a much more interesting foil for Holmes."

"When you go back to the books, there's so much more," Law said of the Holmes/Watson dynamic, which, when the film hits theaters in November, will be anything but elementary. "They're both meaner, harder, more complicated. They both live in a London that is much seedier and much more dangerous. And when you highlight the interesting elements in the [original] stories and turn them into a modern sensibility, you've got a really exciting equation."


True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary