True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

Dear LiveJournal, @ 12:57 pm

Current Mood: Caffeinated
Current Music: DAYTONA

Last night I played poker with hubby, [info]bizket and a bunch of other friends.

I don't know poker, really. They had to explain the rules of each game to me until I got it.

Once, I got dealt a straight for five card stud.

The neck craning by everyone who was checking that that REALLY was a straight was hysterical to watch. Poor Paul couldn't believe he DEALT me that, and beat his hand.

I came out ahead by $1.80 by evening's end.

I still got invited back.



AND THEN....we dropped off [info]bizket and I told Roy I was still hungry - the Chinese food wasn't enough. Hit the BK in the Lloyd district and there was PUTZ. His last name is really Lutz, but he's a putz, and we used to work with him at Domino's forever ago. While we recognized him, he didn't recognize us and we didn't feel like going over the past fifteen years, so we just took the food and left. He was always a lonely old guy and working the overnight shift at a BK means he's still the lonely old guy and I feel badly, but at least he has a job. His hair's gone totally white, though. He's got to be...sixty, at least.

Home before 2am to a relatively neat house and Jayne in bed with every last one of her stuffed animals and dolls, plus two live cats, on and around her. This is usually a sign she was upset and it's Katie's way of making Jayne feel secure again. Turns out she bumped her chin on Karl's head and so Katie was making it all better.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to [info]master_chatnoir and her alter ego; [info]emrinalexander and [info]callistosh!! I hope all three of you have a fantabulous day. **SMOOCH**

And now...DAYTONA 500.


OHHHH @ 01:02 pm

Current Mood: happy

I keep forgetting...


150 years as of February 14. Sesquecentennial!

I love Oregon...


Should I be... @ 01:10 pm

Current Mood: conflicted
Current Music: Chasing Cars...

Flattered she liked it so much, or concerned that it's been posted somewhere else without my prior knowledge?

I guess it's was weird to see it pop up in a Google alert...I put it out there and available for download, so I guess I should expect it to show up elsewhere. It's not like she took my name off it.

Maybe I should just ask that she at least include an email addy so any feedback could at least come to me?

*cringe* @ 08:19 pm

Current Mood: embarrassed
Current Music: David Soul - Goodbye Gatsby

Oh, gods.

Going through my TPM stories to update them for new site pages and noticing the head-bouncing in them.


I'm better about that now, really. ;-)

Damn, I never thought I'd be embarrassed by my earlier work! Well, maybe in that particular element, until Lori and Ghostie taught me how to stick to one POV and how to recognize it. I think maybe I still had a good sense of story, even if I didn't realize the POV issues.

AH, "Love Notes". Heh. Damn, that seems forever ago...

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary