True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary

[info]thefannishwaldo asked about... @ 09:53 pm

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Music: Over My Head - the fray?

Cutting because I got long keyboard is working again!) 1. Starsky and Hutch When I was twelve, I had the most romantic little heart. It still shows today. A song, a poem, a look, a touch, a kiss would send my heart a-flutter. I had crushes for a long time on various public figures - something my eldest doesn't seem to be doing, although she randomly enjoys the Jonas Bros and Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana/Miley any rate, when I was twelve and it was the summer between sixth and seventh grades, I discovered Starsky & Hutch in reruns on my local tv station. I was aware of the show - someone local had one of the replica cars, even - but I hadn't ever watched it because it was on too late and it was simply a grown-up show. I wonder if my father watched it...he liked cop stuff. I'll have to ask my mom. Anyway, it was 5pm on a summer afternoon and I was bored OUT of my skull. We didn't have cable - we had five tv stations. I decided I was going to do a test for myself and resolved to sit and watch this cop show and decide if I liked it or not after I'd watched the whole hour. Baby, I was hooked. I couldn't tell you what episode I watched first, but I was a Starsky girl from the get-go. I didn't know who this David Soul person was (knew the song, not the singer!) and why was he credited first if he was Hutch, anyway? They should list the actors in the same order as their characters or it's too easy to mix them up! (Little did I know...  )

Dear LiveJournal, @ 10:11 pm

Current Mood: tired
Current Music:

Today we took the kids to their swimming lessons. Since it appears Roy is finally done with late nights and weekend work, *YAY*, he was able to observe the lessons while I walked the treadmill.

My *wish* and *goal* is to walk 45-60 minutes every day until we go to Disney so as to build up some stamina for it all.

Afterwards, we dashed home so I could shower and everyone could eat some lunch, then head out to Crack-of-my-ass Clackamas Town Center, where they were the last stand in the 3-D showing of Coraline. You'd think, since the movie was made here, we'd have a longer 3-D run!


Then we shopped in the mall - Katie needed capris/shorts for DW and I got a couple for myself, too. Between four of us (Karl declined) we shared two Jamba Juices right after the movie, and then we had dinner at Shari's.

It's too late to call my grandmother. I'm a bad granddaughter. I'll call her tomorrow - but today my father would have been 61. And I know he's glad that we had a good time as a family today.

Tomorrow, the kids get to work on their rooms. And I need to check in on Job #2 since I was gone all day today.

I'm done with [info]crack_van for the month. I might sign up again. :) [info]ckua_pepper's Tagging Bay City is a marvelous, MARVELOUS way to find stories about particular scenarios, characters, locales, etc. Man, that makes find fic recs fun! :)

I think I'm going to run a bath.

And OH! that necklace I was wishing over a few days back? [info]neaslon bought it for me, the stinker. And it's PERFECT. Arrived today from Lori and it's stunning. EXACTLY my colors. Much, much thanks to them both. Go check out her items, if you're in the market for some one-of-a-kind stuff for yourself or for a gift, and help a fellow fandom friend out by buying her stuff:

True Reflections

Overwhelmed with the Ordinary