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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote,
@ 2013-02-07 04:58:00

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Cindy had arranged some private beach time. Just her and Saishu, alone in the little cove all day. Which was good, because she had a plan. A plan to deal with Saishu's difficulty grasping the point of bathing suits. A plan that Cindy was not going to back out of, because she was an adult, and could accomodate her girlfriend, and... yeah. So wehn she went out on the sand wearing a towel, she didn't have a swimsuit underneath. She hadn't even packed one. Cap over the wall and all that. She could join Saishu in her crazy naked ways. She could.

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2013-02-08 07:46 am UTC (link)
And Cindy manages a basic set of mounds systematically watered and patted down. "stays more stable this way, y'know," she said, trying not to look at anyone's skin at the moment. Which is tough, because when she looks down, there's a lot of her own.

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2013-02-08 08:31 am UTC (link)
Saishu notices the looks away, and grins. "You look like you're not entirely focused on your sandcastle, little pumpkin. Do your best at it, and I'll let you touch yourself."

Because, of course, that's going to do /so/ much to help her focus.

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2013-02-08 08:39 am UTC (link)
Ever so helpful. Cindy, at a loss, just nods and gets to moving sand, muttering requests for assistance. A few wave-catching trenches to make the water more accesible now and less erosive later, and she tries to work busily as a bea ... get to reshaping the mound of.... Damn it Now that's just ridiculous. Her brain is dumb. And juvenile, apparently.
Cindy takes a deep breath and ... tries, okay? She really tries to just focus and do the castle properly..

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2013-02-08 02:55 pm UTC (link)
Trying was what Saishu was going for. The actual end results aren't nearly as big a deal as long as she knows she has her girlfriend properly inspired.

"Good girl, little pumpkin. Go wash your hands. There's some places you don't want sand... which have provided a very nice view while you've been working... but you still don't want sand there. Do a thorough job, I'll inspect your hands before you can touch yourself."

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2013-02-08 07:53 pm UTC (link)
And Cindy nods earnestly and goes to wash the sand off her hands. Definitely not.. yes.. and... oh, she's been looking. Of course she's been looking.

Breathe, Cindy. Breathe.

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2013-02-08 07:58 pm UTC (link)
As soon as Cindy's hands are clean, Saishu makes her walk all the way back up and demonstrate her hands for inspection. Then she helps her down onto her knees, since Cindy needs to keep her hands sand-free. From kneeling, the next step is bent over, breasts rubbing into the sand, ass up, a hand between her legs.

"Go ahead. Show me."

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2013-02-08 08:20 pm UTC (link)
Cindy's breath is heavier as Saishu gets her into position -- helpless almost doesn't feel like an adequate term -- then hitches when she says that. But she does. Two fingers spread things open a bit more while two others get the hood area between them and press and stroke.

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2013-02-08 08:27 pm UTC (link)
Having already reddened Cindy's ass quite a bit, Saishu decides to renew her work. She settles behind her, with a lovely, close up view. Then, urging Cindy to keep going, starts giving her back and forth strokes across each cheek.

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2013-02-08 08:33 pm UTC (link)
Cindy starts to freeze at the initial strikes, but, "...Yes, Saishu." And, groaning, she keeps up as her breasts get shoved roughly against the sand more and that somehow just makes her even more aware of ... everything.

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2013-02-08 08:35 pm UTC (link)
"Hands behind your back, do not get sand on them." Saishu orders, adding a few more strokes to get Cindy's ass back to proper fire-engine redness.

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2013-02-08 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Cindy does not sound terribly happy about this, but she very carefully moves her hands behind her back, still gasping at the spanking.

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2013-02-08 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"Good Pumpkin." Saishu offers quietly, replacing Cindy's fingers with two of her own, stroking for a few moments, before, instead, pushing them into Cindy's pussy, pumping firmly. While really only able to get to one cheek now, she continues swatting that target with her other hand, roughly in time with her finger thrusts.

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2013-02-08 09:33 pm UTC (link)
The penetration, the sting, and the sound all at once are fantastic. "More," Cindy moans a little hoarsely.

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2013-02-08 09:39 pm UTC (link)
Saishu withdraws her fingers, letting Cindy have every impression, for a few moments, that she's going to stop and do some kind of beach related activity... again.

Then there's one more spank, and Saishu's well lubricated pointer finger stabs into Cindy's ass instead, while her very warmed up spanking hand replaces the first, pushing two fingers into her girlfriend's pussy.

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2013-02-08 09:52 pm UTC (link)
And Cindy tries to catch her breath and steady herself, but she's not sure she can and --ohgosh. There's a hoarse little cry at the double penetration and the heat and it's all amazing.

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2013-02-08 09:57 pm UTC (link)
"Not yet." she's told, with Saishu perfectly aware how much Cindy hates denial, of anything, really.

She sets up a counterrhythm, one digit shoved in deep when the two are withdrawing and vice versa, back and forth, enjoying watching the squirming and hearing the cries.

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2013-02-08 10:08 pm UTC (link)
And there will be squirming and sounds for her to see and here. And forceful, frustrated little breaths. And Cindy's fingers flexing as if grabbing even though she's compliantly keeping her hand behind her back.

And the pattern leaves no getting over it, no becoming inured. "please"

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2013-02-08 10:14 pm UTC (link)
"You may." Saishu grants, thrusting inward, deep, with both hands at once.

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2013-02-08 10:22 pm UTC (link)
And Cindy sobs and shudders all over, just letting herself be overwhelmed.

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2013-02-08 10:37 pm UTC (link)
"Good girl." Saishu begins, shifting to one side of Cindy. She's not done, not by a long shot. She knows, once she starts, she's going to need to give her more. Lots more. So she takes hold of Cindy's wrists with one hand, keeping them captive behind her back, then alternates with the other hand between spanks and thrusting two fingers into Cindy's sex, trying to keep her going, or string this orgasm into more.

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2013-02-08 11:49 pm UTC (link)
And Cindy does keep going. The words certainly don't as part of the process, no matter how much Cindy would normally argue and weaselly-clarify the issue of 'good'. This is the girl who can get her to say please without necessity or contempt, after all; there's no point in cover. ...In any sense, what with the being pressed naked on the ground outside. All this is going through the haze of what's left of Cindy's mind as she's driven to another before the fireworks of the first had any chance to fade.

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2013-02-09 12:12 am UTC (link)
Saishu takes this, of course, as a perfect sign she's supposed to go faster. Faster, harder, everything she can with the alternating swats and penetration to keep those fireworks coming as long as Cindy is showing signs of being capable of more.

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2013-02-09 03:33 am UTC (link)
More is, of course, good. Always. For quite some time, and Cindy is loud and responsive and increasingly losing what grip on something resembling coherence she had, only quieting down when she's eventually gasping for breath and more slumped on the sand, unable to move if she wanted to..

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2013-02-09 03:37 am UTC (link)
Saishu grins at that, scooping up the mostly liquid Cindy, and carrying her out into the water to wash her up, before heading back to shore where she can sit down, back to a large rock, with her girlfriend in her lap.

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2013-02-09 03:47 am UTC (link)
"I love you, Saishu."

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(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2013-02-09 03:52 am UTC

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