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Mandy Brocklehurst ([info]loveableraven) wrote,
@ 2008-03-08 11:02:00

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Well at least a few good things happened after the Quidditch match. Lisa, I'm glad you like your charm! I was told it brings good luck, so I hope it works for you!

For the record, I'm never playing hide-n-seek again.

Now to my most exciting news.

I've finally finished my paint that I've been working on!

I haven't figured out a name for it yet, but tell me what you guys think? Personally I just love looking at the colors.


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2008-03-08 06:29 pm UTC (link)
Thank you, Ginny!

I hope I do, I love doing it! I'm thinking about sending it to my dad and see if he can find a contest to enter it in.

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2008-03-08 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Really! You enter art shows and all?

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2008-03-08 06:51 pm UTC (link)
I do! It's a good way to get your work seen.

Tell you the truth, I've always wanted to open up my own Gallery.

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2008-03-08 10:22 pm UTC (link)
Bloody hell, I didn't know that--have you grown up around art your whole life? I mean, is your father involved in art, too?

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2008-03-08 10:37 pm UTC (link)
Pretty much, my father likes to buy art to put around the house. He took me one day when he was trying to find a new one and I feel in love with it. Then I mentioned to him one day that I wanted to paint and since then he's paid for all my paint supplies.

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2008-03-08 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Will you go to art school after Hogwarts, like a Muggle one? Or just work in a gallery?

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2008-03-10 12:36 am UTC (link)
Well before Hogwarts, I was thinking about doing that. But some of the clases here I really enjoy and I've been looking into seeing what I could do with it.

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