
  • May. 14th, 2009 at 6:46 PM
[ faq ]

*Dorm rooms? - Located just a little distanced from the school sits the dorms. Not the only *dorms around but they are un-named and really just there. You don't need to have a dorm as your character can live alone if they so wish to. If you wish to have your characters room together, go ahead. Dorms will be as fallows:

Dorm A - All girls
Dorm B - All boys
Dorm C - Co-ed

*Can the teachers give assignments? - If your character is a professor you can post assignments on the bulletin board and if you're an English professor, those taking any English courses will have to complete it. It is up to the player if they really want to do the assignment but it makes for good fun to see what you can come up with. Also, mingling via teacherxteacher is encouraged.

Teachers have lives as well, do they not?

*What goes where?
-Third person RPing, AKA "logging" goes in the main community with the following:

-Journals are for first person RPing, and they act as a regular online journal, but it is for your character.

-The bulletin board is like a journal, but it's just something where anything can be posted. Memes, homework assignments, or advertisements for clubs or work, can go there. Also included are lovely anonymous insults and the like. Young adults have every right to be just as immature as teenagers after all.

*Where is this school located? What is it like in the surrounding area?

-This roleplay is based in modern-day Japan. As is expected in most places, the city is busy and full of noise. Just outside the towering buildings though lies the college and shops that are favored by the students for those days where you don't want to go too far. But the school is just close enough for those that DO live in the downtown area.

There are shady areas of course, as many places have. But everything is there in a compact package.

* Last Stretch Chat

Feel free to ask questions, as I'm sure there is plenty more some people would like covered.


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