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Lyta Rose Braddock-Worthington ([info]lytaworthington) wrote,
@ 2010-10-27 17:21:00

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Yay, it's a meme!
For this meme, choose one character of yours and one character of mine-- and then I will write out how they hook up, settle into a long term relationship and/or marriage, and describe their firstborn child/children, if any. Crack pairings and old characters are acceptable.

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Re: Sindella/Max: Part 2
2010-10-28 12:43 am UTC (link)
Most couples did dinner and a movie.

Sindella and Max went on cases together. Today, it was a drug dealing ring that had been operating out of Star City.

"Hey," she said, teleporting to where he told her to meet her on stakeout.

"Hey there yourself," he said, smiling at her under his mask. They'd been going out for a few months now, and he couldn't be happier. Sindella was quick on her feet, witty, and though she was just a little odd, that didn't matter to him.

Besides, Max couldn't really go around calling people out on being odd.

She always looked beautiful, too.

They exchanged a quick kiss before turning to watch the drug dealers at work, both working over in their mind how they were going to handle the situation.

To some, their version of 'dating' would seem bizarre, but for Max and Sindella? Completely ordinary.

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Re: Sindella/Max: Part 2
2010-10-28 12:47 am UTC (link)
Johnathan Victor Szaz was all that his parents could ask for. With jet-black hair green eyes, he had both of his parents' wit, and like his father, nothing is ever as it seems.

Someday, he plans on opening up a detective agency, specializing in the mystical cases.

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