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м є g § ([info]macks) wrote,
@ 2010-03-16 17:07:00

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I have the most wonderful news! Can anyone guess?

[Sebastian] A letter came today for Anthony. And I opened it of course, not thinking anything of it, and I--- well, it was from my grandfather of all people. Not on the Wilkes side, obviously, but I had it checked and it is just a letter! Not anything else, which was not only strange, but even more it's nice, congratulating Anthony on turning one soon and other things! [Sebastian]

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2010-03-17 01:01 am UTC (link)
That was my original thought! But it's from grandfather loftus, with the wax seal on the back and written on his stationary parchment. My mother would not have been able to do this... he always told me I was his favorite but I didn't think he was this serious, not to mention Christopher was born first!

I don't understand.

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2010-03-17 01:25 pm UTC (link)
Maybe he's realized how much of a bastard not-so-nice fellow your brother is, and since he procreated with the Wicked Witch of the West, his children are bound to be the next set of You-Know-Whos.

All right, that was terrible of me, but I think you get the gist.

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2010-03-19 09:47 pm UTC (link)
Hm. I'm going to read it over again.

And not let Anthony touch it.

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