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the elegant rachel m. corner ([info]malengled) wrote,
@ 2008-08-20 22:00:00

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You are looking at Healer Assistant Rachel Englewood.

That's right.

I have given up my job at Madame Malkin's to join the short-handed staff at St. Mungo's. I'm growing and helping others, and my new work robes are purple. Which is my favorite color.

I think we should all take a moment to appreciate this growth in my personality.

And it's all thanks to you, Healer Hippocrates Smethwyck! I'm looking to you.

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2008-08-21 09:52 am UTC (link)
Sirius Black is all charm and no heart--he's a black-hearted rogue. We can say much more for you!

I remember hearing about the comic books! I think it's a delightful personality attribute--I shouldn't like to see you without it, even! But I can't say that you haven't changed for the better, since we left school. Not, of course, that there was anything wrong with you in the slightest! But I'm fervently happy those days are behind us.

Bite your tongue, Healer Smethwyck! I hear late-night philosophizing sessions are good for the soul.

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2008-08-21 10:01 am UTC (link)
Again, Rachel, you will turn my head! And possibly make me blush. And trust me, that is a sight that no one needs to possibly see. Ever, hahaaaa.

Oh Merlin, did I ever tell you that I was a bit scared of you at school? I mean, we did talk, but. You were this Pureblooded princess and I guess I, a mere mortal, was a bit intimidated. But I must agree with you! I am definitely glad that we have graduated and moved on.

Healer Assistant to Healer Smethwyck, I'm finding myself enjoying these late-night philosophizing sessions!

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2008-08-21 10:08 am UTC (link)
Oh, you darling boy! I bet you blush better than half the males from our classes.

A Pureblooded princess! Oh, if only I had the manners to boast of, I might let that comment slide, but I was nothing but a menace. And I especially regret that if it meant distancing myself from people like you! But we all have our dark hours, I suppose, and hopefully mine is behind me!

You are far from a mere mortal, Healer Smethwyck, allow me to assure you!

And I could not agree with you more.

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2008-08-21 10:26 am UTC (link)
Rachel! No matter how many times I'll plead to stop with the compliments... you're not going to stop, are you?

Haaaa well you were like a princess to me! At least that's how I perceived you. But don't worry, as colleagues, working together, we'll be able to make up more than enough lost time.

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2008-08-21 10:36 am UTC (link)
Never! My goal is to see that blush in person tomorrow morning.

A-A princess? Reall I hope you're right! We do have a lot to make up for, but we've got eons of time to do it. I have to say I am most certainly looking forward to it, though.

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2008-08-21 10:38 am UTC (link)
Ohhh Merlin, I'm almost afraid to think what your devious mind will try to pull tomorrow.

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2008-08-21 10:43 am UTC (link)
Just you wait, Healer Smethwyck, just you wait!

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2008-08-21 10:47 am UTC (link)
Should I be scared? Or amped up with anticipation?

[RACHEL] Errr. This is really late so forgive me if this sounds awkward but - Jen, what exactly did she say to you? She... said you two exchanged words? [/RACHEL]

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2008-08-21 10:55 am UTC (link)
Anticipation, obviously.

[SMETH] "Exchanged words" is a very loose term. It was mostly a one-woman conversation. She was mostly berating me for laying hands on her property.

Which would be you.

Smeth, I don't pretend to know anything about that aspect of your life, but... in all honesty, she seems to be slightly over-attached. To the point where jumped to some very... well, "asinine conclusions" was how I worded it. I didn't mean that in deference you in anyway, just how she was blatantly attacking me.

What happened?[/SMETH]

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2008-08-21 11:08 am UTC (link)
Wait, what? If it wasn't so late at night I'd almost find it funny because what you just said sounds so CRAZY and

Well long horrible story short - we got together near graduation, she dumped me a year ago via a note I found for someone else, she comes back and wants me back again. I try to go along, but I find that I can't. And now...

Ugh. It's all a mess.

And Rachel, I'm really sorry that you had to get involved. You're nothing more than a victim, in my opinion.

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2008-08-21 11:20 am UTC (link)
I'd heard from a few classmates that she'd left, but I didn't know the details.

That's horrible and slightly, well, unbelievable that she'd throw away your relationship over a note and then come back a year later, wanting you back. And she's still so terribly possessive?

Please, you have nothing to apologize for! It's certainly not like you've done anything negative in this situation.

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2008-08-21 07:16 pm UTC (link)
I mean, imagine my shock and disappointment, it was as if the girl I was going out with wasn't the same one anymore. She never used to be so possessive - to be honest, it's kind of ... unsettling, to say the least.

I guess it's all for the best, at least I'll be able to focus more on work and whatnot.

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2008-08-21 07:39 pm UTC (link)
I don't blame you in the least for being unsettled-- it's quite peculiar, for her behavior to change so swiftly.

True enough! That relationship might certainly be detrimental to your work, and we certainly don't have the time for that!

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2008-08-21 07:44 pm UTC (link)
To be fair, she did say she was still upset over Marlie's death I never knew that they and she says she still loves me... Which is, I dunno.

But then again, we talked it over, and I do hope that her depression cycles will be over. There is much work ahead of us, my Healer Assistant!

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2008-08-21 08:06 pm UTC (link)
Marlie I'M still Still, that's no excuse. And as far out of context as this may seem, don't people who maintain abusive relationships often use their love as alibis and motivations for their rash behavior?

It's TERRIBLE that she's guilting you with depression, can't you se Luckily you have me. at your disposal, Healer Smethwyck!

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2008-08-22 02:30 am UTC (link)
I... clinically, you're right. It's just so hard to believe because I've known her my entire life, but I guess all that time apart has made us into different people. I used to find that really hard to believe, but I think it's safe to say that... I'm finally over it, the whole thing.

Although as you can already tell, I'm pretty easy with guilt.

That's very true! I do have you at my disposal as my special helper, Healer Assistant Englewood!

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2008-08-22 02:41 am UTC (link)
You know, that's really good to hear. It's good to stop putting yourself through the grinder. Being a Healer yourself, you must know how bad masochistic behavior is for yourself.

You might be easy with the guilt, but I'm going to do my very best to make you forget it!

Healer Assistant, indeed! I'm going to be the best you've ever and will ever have, by the way.

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2008-08-22 03:01 am UTC (link)
I should learn to take the advice I give to both my patients and friends. Luckily I have you around to remind me.

I'm counting on that! I already have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful working relationship.

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